Told to go out in a crowded place: So one of... - Heal My PTSD

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Told to go out in a crowded place

AresOnline63 profile image
20 Replies

So one of the many things that was drilled into me in my last visit with my psych is trying to “expose” myself to large groups of people and loud surroundings.

Absolutely the worse bloody idea I’ve ever heard from them. But going to try it tonight anyways :/. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it. But I have my really close friend for like 2 years now coming with me so I think I’ll be okay with her with me. But I’m still shaking and overly anxious about going out. It’s suppose to be meeting up with co workers as well since it was our last day of work for the holidays till January.

But damn I’m just like damn right now.

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AresOnline63 profile image
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20 Replies

Wow I am impressed please let us know how it goes.You are very brave, just the thought of it scares me to death. My new psychologist is trying that with me😟 she wants me to attend group meeting based on talking about your grounding methods and how you help yourself when you get triggered. There will be only a few people that have PTSD the rest have various other problems. This freaked me out when she told me she knew groups were not my thing it was in my notes from Johnathan. I was triggered for a week. 😢. You are lucky you have someone that will go with you 😊 best of luck 😊🌻🐾🐾x

Francie2 profile image
Francie2 of luck with this. I feel for you. Can you be choosey about what large groups you 'exposed yourself to? For example, instead of going to a crowded shopping mall could you instead go to a 5Rhythms dance class or large meditation gathering where the people are a bit more grounded, safe & self aware? It could be a smoother, less anxiety ridden way of being around more ppl?

It's great you have a dear friend to be with you :)

AresOnline63 profile image

Thank you collie!! Yes I actually had a really great and amazing time me and my friend actually showed up and saw how crowded the place was and we both were like heck no lmfao. So we ran off to this new sushi joint and it was literally just us the whole night 😹. We had way to much fun lol.

Also collie I tried those group meetings and my inner critic was just on absolute fire and I just couldn’t relate to anyone and on the inside talk crap about everyone. It wasn’t a good place for me to be at and then they asked me to share and I came off as extremely rude and defensive. Cause sharing and remembering and even just talking about what happened to me is extremely extremely hard thing to do. So don’t feel bad about not being able to handle those group sessions. Only reason I even considered them in the first place was cause it wasn’t going to cost me money 🙄.

Francie that is actually a really good idea and I did not even think about that lol. They only said a group they didn’t say what kind of group. I had just figured well I guess as good as time as any to try. I ended up failing the test being in a large group but I still had an amazing night and I’m really really relaxed after being with her and probably will be able to sleep a lot better tonight then I have in awhile. I don’t want to jinx myself, but yea 😁

Sounds like a good way to get really triggered, and have a flareup of some substantial symptoms. I think this is bad advice, and sounds like the psych doesn't really understand PTSD. Just my opinion.

I would make sure I had an escape plan, in case it didn't go well.

AresOnline63 profile image
AresOnline63 in reply to

Thank you!! I told them the same thing. Again they weren’t forcing me to but it’s on the list of goals that I had filled out on my essay 😹.

in reply to AresOnline63

If it's your stated goal, and you do the exercise like I see in earlier responses, good for you to just go for it! :) It looks like you found a safe way to practice being around crowds! Awesome!

AresOnline63 profile image
AresOnline63 in reply to

Well I mean I didn’t end up staying and honestly it wasn’t even because of me my friend was there the whole time plus I had to try and act macho in front of her still 😹. But yes I mean I am trying but wasn’t trying to put myself into a full on trigger. Even when I do my normally shopping at 2am in the morning. If there’s to many people and I’m feeling overwhelmed. I just leave my cart and I’m gone lol. Sounds terrible for whoever has to put everything back but it’s better then me losing it in the middle of the store.

in reply to AresOnline63

I'm the same way with a mall or crowded store. Get in, get out before I get triggered. So I think what you did was an empowering solution! :)

AresOnline63 profile image
AresOnline63 in reply to

Thank you it’s actually really nice to here praise for once lmao.

peacefulandcalm profile image
peacefulandcalmEncourager in reply to AresOnline63

great job Ares.

You listened to your body and went to sushi and had a blast. With a wonderful friend who is a huge blessingxx good jobxx

I am still calming myself, but saw your post and saying great job for honoring what you felt and you can feel so blessed to have that good friendxxx

I must listen to my body too. Now Michele has this podcast that says what to do when we are in a situation we have to be in, like doc, how to handle. I am going to listen again. Not sure where, will have to look and put link in if you want.

reward yourself teaxx kind, loving to ourselvesxxx

AresOnline63 profile image
AresOnline63 in reply to peacefulandcalm

Yes please if you can find the link. Thank you

in reply to AresOnline63

You deserve praise - you did great! :)

peacefulandcalm profile image
peacefulandcalmEncourager in reply to

didn't know so many were like that in crowded stores, yeah, me too, in, out before I get triggered, and off to the car, safe, meditate, cats xxx

peacefulandcalm profile image
peacefulandcalmEncourager in reply to AresOnline63

wow, we are all so similar with grocery stores and crowds <3

willingtoheal profile image

AresOnline63 hope it went well

AresOnline63 profile image
AresOnline63 in reply to willingtoheal

It went really really well thank you :). Didn’t complete the goal but it was a very fun night all the same lol. But the biggest thing to remember is I at least tried 😹

willingtoheal profile image

I think you did great AresOnline63 wow. Yes it's good to have an escape plan.

I'm glad you had an amazing time. That's great

Sarah_brarian profile image

You can do this!!! Going out is still difficult for me but each time it really does get easier. Yes, it's scary but try and trust yourself. When I go out, I tell myself that I'm in control, that I can leave at any time and that I'm just excited, not necessarily scared. Trying to retrain my brain. Keep us updated. We believe in you! Even if you're out for one second, that is still a victory!

SavingGrace profile image

Putting your self in a safe environment is the uttermost important aspect of this process, no matter what.

You must decide what is safe.

I am pretty amazed that your so-called expert gave no qualification on this.... how very naive.

I find that going into ultra-energised or triggering scenarios can leave me drained, exhausted, hyper-anxious.

I have learnt to adapt and cope - e.g.: by visiting places at different times of the day - i.e.: not during rush hour to do my food shop. Avoiding Saturday in the centre of town.

I also know that congregations that are not organised, will certainly trigger me. So, for example: I can cope with a church service with a noisy, regular crowd. BUT, I can not cope with some gathering where there is no 'plan' or 'purpose' to the occasion....

This is just me though...

Enabling yourself to become built-up to the rise in pressure can alleviate the triggering and anxiety. Take small steps always! There's no rush to recovery. There is only your good health.

AresOnline63 profile image
AresOnline63 in reply to SavingGrace

That’s very good advice cat thank you 😁. They were going off of my goal list and see if I can accomplish it yet. Which of course I failed but I didn’t fall off the rail though lol. I’ve been working on what I call the stupid list for the last 8 years. I’m not the strongest person and I know that, but pushing boundaries helps me cope a lot of the time since I have trouble holding still and sitting back and watching because when I get lost in my head I lose a lot of progress. Plus running is always so tempting for me 😹. Hopefully my new psychs read that in my file from my old doc only time will tell right might leave the country again if they haven’t 😁

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