Hello All,
Since starting Itraconazole about a month ago seem to be sleeping less and less. Most mornings up before 6 (yet a few weeks ago when spacing 4 doses of antibiotics meant taking the first at 6am was setting two alarms). Yesterday up at 3 no naps full day too. Asleep at 11pm up at 1.30 and still here. Is is the Itraconazole or the way this is reacting with my two steroid inhalers serevent and flixotide. On,y take half dose of flixotide as told by consultant in 2010 and got GP to change to combined inhaler seretide also suggested by consultant in 2010. Collecting new inhaler in a couple of days. Will this make a difference? What inhalers are others on that are OK with Itraconazole? I have asthma and Bronxhiectasis.
Just wondering if there are any other side effects you have noticed too? Other than this sleep thing I have not noticed anything else - yet.
Look forward to hearing your replies.