Not feeling right is this Candida? - Aspergillosis and...

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Not feeling right is this Candida?

kazza1-1-1 profile image
33 Replies


I have been suffering with a few health issues since Feb. I started having headaches which went on for 8 days without shifting even when I took strong painkillers, I went to the doctors and she said she thought it was tension headaches and gave me Amitriptyline low dose for a month.

I asked to go for a CT scan but got refused so went to see another Dr, she seen how worried I was and how many times I had been to the Doctors as well as my opticians who actually wrote to my doctors and asked if I could be referred, not that she could see anything but she could see how worried I was about these headaches as well as the other symptoms.

I was referred to the hospital, the reason I wanted to go was, I also started to having pins and needles in my arms/legs and feeling lightheaded and a feeling of a vice around my head constantly as well as feeling sick every morning and day.

End of March I went for CT scan, nothing serious was found thank god.

I was back and forth to the doctors, I was still feeling sick, they done more bloods tests and this time they found I had H-pylori bacteria and gave me 2 lots of antibiotics and Lansoprazole. This was around May.

Since coming off the antibiotics and stomach tablets I have been suffering with -

* Neck and shoulder pains

* Dizziness/lightheaded

* Digestive problems

* Heartburn/indigestion

* Oral thrush/ lump feeling in throat

* Burning tongue

* Aches and pains all over

* Ear ache

* Belching/flatulence

* Anxiety/depression

The burning tongue and the aches and pains and neck/shoulder pain I was suffering mildly with already but seem to worsen after the H-pylori and the medication I was on in May.

In the meantime, I've been going to the Chiropractor for my neck/shoulder pain and have been told my posture was not good and that could be down to repetitive strain over the years. This could be down to office work, computers, mobile phones use, I was also kettle belling 3 days a week before all this started so that could have some impact.

I have also been for an abdominal ultra scan to check my, kidney, liver and gallbladder, all came back normal. I also went for an Endoscopy in Sept, the consultant said he could not see anything serious and he would send the results back to my Dr in which I'm awaiting for an appointment.

I started looking into Candida and all my symptoms were there, I know they sometimes mimic other things but I feel at the end of my tether and just want feel ok again.

I have changed my diet, cut out all sugars, bread, yeast and alcohol. I have taking probiotics for 2 months as well candida cleanse, mastic gum (this was for the H-pylori and now have finished) I have just started taking vitamin B complex, vitamin C and a multi vitamin, Magnesium, coconut capsules and garlic capsules.

I also eat raw garlic, swish my mouth with tea tree oil and salt and water (separately of course).

I went for a swab test back in May and told the Nurse I thought I had thrush at the back of my throat, she reluctantly swabbed my throat as didn't think I did, the result came back positive and was given Nystatin.. Since then I have had Nystatin twice as well fluconazole which was a 7 day course, nothing has helped this oral thrush.

I had another swab test a couple of months ago and it came back negative this time, even though I feel as though I still have thrush at the back of my throat, the consultant who done my endoscopy also did not mention Candida/oral thrush.

I feel as though I am turning into a hypercondriac with all my symptoms and keep going on about this oral thrush but its really getting me down.

I should be put in a test tube see if they can fine out if there is anything wrong with me as feel no one is listening. I know anxiety and stress can cause a lot of problems, though my health issues is what's making me feel anxious! Its like a vicious circle!

Has anyone suffered with symptoms like I have mention? It would be nice to know.

Thank you for reading this very long woo is me story!

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kazza1-1-1 profile image
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33 Replies
GAtherton profile image
GAthertonAdministratorFungal Infection Trust

Symptoms causing anxiety which cause symptoms and so on is indeed a vicious cycle. A lot of what you describe seems to be linked with gut problems and the feeling that you have a lump in your throat.

As your doctors have found Candida and treated it once it might be worth testing for that again if your throat is still uncomfortable as Candida can be difficult to eradicate.

Throat aside at a guess it sounds like your gut needs to 'settle'. If I were you I would concentrate on a good balanced diet with plenty of fibre (fruit & veg) supplemented with a good probiotic rather than follow instructions on one of the many 'Candida overgrowth' websites. The impact will be gentler and your gut microflora will rebalance itself with no further help. Probiotics help some people but not all and in a few cases can make candida growth in the throat worse so remain vigilant for worsening symptoms. Discuss this strategy with your doctor before starting!

kazza1-1-1 profile image
kazza1-1-1 in reply toGAtherton

Thank you for your reply. I am eating healthy by adding more veg to my diet. I read fruit has a lot of sugar so I cut fruit out of my diet too! I went to the dentist yesterday and she told me my mouth and throat both look healthy. I'm going back to the doctors next week to get another swab to check for thrush. The endoscopy I had just last month came back normal even in my gut, no candida was found so I'm at a loss! I will continue with my healthy diet and vitamins till I find out what this issue is. Thanks agian for your relply :)

GAtherton profile image
GAthertonAdministratorFungal Infection Trust in reply tokazza1-1-1

Fruit is an important part of our diet. Awareness that fruit contains sugars is useful so that we don't overindulge but all the 'good' organisms in our gut also need these sugars to rebalance things. I think the worry with fruit is based around drinking too much-refined fruit juice - concentrate on eating whole fruit rather than juices and all should be well.

kazza1-1-1 profile image
kazza1-1-1 in reply toGAtherton

Well now that my endoscopy has came back clear and no candida to be found within my gut, I am going to introduce more fruit into my diet, I have been quite strict in the last couple of months, more to do with reading things on the internet about candida, there's so much info out there and they all say different things that it makes your head spin! I'm just going find the right balance and listen to my own body and if that works for me then will stick to that! Thank you for your reply Its a great site and a lovely bunch of people. :)

Ferocious profile image

Hi Kazza, it sounds as if you are having a tough time - you have my sympathy.

Whatever your medical problems are will be made a lot worse by your anxiety. (I speak from personal experience!) I'm guessing that you are pretty active & achievement oriented so I have a suggestion. Try Yoga or Pilates. It will be quite different to kettle belling but will, if you persist, help a lot with your anxiety.

I resisted trying these disciplines for a long time (because I wanted something livelier & I thought Yoga & Pilates were boring) but now find that Pilates can reduce my anxiety and calm my breathing.

They also teach breathing techniques which both calm the mind and by teaching you the correct techniques may help reduce dizziness & lightheadedness. Finding the right teacher, that you like & respect is important, so you may need to shop around. You do have to persist for two or three months to achieve all the benefits but I can see from your history that you are a persistent person!

I am struggling with respiratory and gut problems and fighting a very slowly responding NHS. I have also had about ten courses of antibiotics over the last ten months - I mention this so that you appreciate I can genuinely empathise with you! Good luck & I hope you feel better soon.

kazza1-1-1 profile image
kazza1-1-1 in reply toFerocious

Thank you for your reply. It's funny you mention yoga and palates as looking into going for a few classes its just finding the right one in my area! I like to work out and kettle bells was my chosen activity but coz of my posture and my neck problems my chiropractor advised me not to do them any more! Its sounds like you are going through a lot too, sorry to hear that! I'm just glad we've got this great healthunlocked so we can support one another who's going through silimiar things or in some cases worse! Thanks again for your reply 😃

kenneth1234 profile image

I have been having almost the exact same symptoms. For me it started with muscle aches and weakness. My doctor took me off the Pravastatin as this is a common side effect. It didn't help . Started having breathing problems. My doctor asked if I had any mold in the house. I said no but then I remembered about a month before the first symptoms started I had removed some black mold from a house that had water damage. My doctor put me on an antibiotic which helped with the breathing problem and ordered lung X-rays then a chest CT-scan which showed some fluid in the lining of the lungs.

Since then I have developed digestive problems like feeling ill after eating or being hungry all the time, getting a sore throat if I eat sugar or possibly bread, joint swelling and pain, moving chest pains ,and have been diagnosed with anemia. The cause is still unknown. Also have the feeling of needing to clear my throat all the time. I brought this up with my doctor but he said Candida overgrowth only happens in people with compromised immune systems. I know this can't be true because healthy people get yeast infections all the time!

I have been trying a similar dietary approach with the addition of drinking only distilled water as I suspect the chlorine in tap water was killing my probiotic bacteria. This seems to be helping my gut feel better. Also taking mastic gum and Candex and papya enzymes.

Also I should mention that I was on Omeprazole for years to control acid reflux which I am no longer taking because I read it can cause digestive problems if taken long-term.

Socal777 profile image
Socal777 in reply tokenneth1234

Hello, any luck figuring out what was ailing you? I’m dealing with the same symptoms. Hope your issues have resolved by now!

kenneth1234 profile image
kenneth1234 in reply toSocal777

I still have joint and muscle problems but the lung and digestive issues have mostly been resolved by avoiding sugar and wheat and by taking acidophilus and drinking distilled water. I still get bumps on my tongue and a sore throat if I have sugar, and my muscle and joint problems worsen. This includes avoiding milk.

I have to take an anti-inflammatory at least 1 a day. Either ibuprofen. aspirin, naproxen, or meloxicam. I just have a lot of inflammation. Heating pads and/or ice helps when used alternately. Also have to avoid alcohol most of the time. Maybe 1 glass of red wine a week. I don't know if this helps. I will add if I can think of anything else.

Beebaa123 profile image
Beebaa123 in reply tokenneth1234


It’s funny I have the same symptoms and I am anemic as well. I wonder if it has anything to do with how I feel

Socal777 profile image

Hello, any luck figuring out what was ailing you? I’m dealing with the same symptoms. Hope your issues have resolved by now!

Prisciejc profile image

Have you found reprieve or healing to your condition. If not please consider seeing or speaking to a natural path doctor they are excellent this is their specialty and they will not only look at your symptoms still look at your whole person to make sure that nothing else no viruses or anything else is playing a part in your illness. That's why a lot more people are going to them because they're tired of doctors telling them that they're crazy but doing it nicely by selling them they only have anxiety. You'll be shocked when you go to these doctors how they'll sit with you for an hour or two and just listen to your symptoms and then they'll know right away the battery of testing they need to do and little by little Bill knock out what you don't have versus what you do have. It may take some money out of pocket but it's worth it for your whole healing and state of mine.

Angie19654 profile image

Absolutely in the same boat as you, all this has been since February, where are you now with all of this xx

Tjk1977 profile image

Any clue what is going on or final remidy? I have had these exact symptoms for the last 6 months..I keep getting told nothing is wrong but I feel every symptom every day.. I keep getting ignored..

AllenFrank profile image

Lyme disease

Hummingbird32 profile image

I’m having exactly the same experience, it started with fatigue, muscle pain and twitching in my scapula and neck, night sweats, and now have started having headaches, pain in my ears and pain in my right knee and calf as well. The whole time I have had a white/yellowish coating on my tongue and have just seen this is in my throat as well.

The doctors keep saying nothing is wrong and I feel like I’m going insane but I’ve never felt so physically unwell.

Has anyone found any answers? Xxx

Debtfree profile image
Debtfree in reply toHummingbird32

I feel physically unwell too and been back and forth to docs which I really don’t enjoy especially as they seem mystified too. Mine started with horribly painful stomach virus with bloating, burning, churning stomach pains which travelled to my back. No appetite and lost a lot of weight and a sore tongue. Had antibiotics and although pains are a bit better I still have bloating and now oral thrush. Had two lots of medicine for oral thrush and now on more. Mouth is sooo sore that even bananas seem rough to eat. No appetite again. Waiting for an endoscopy. Affecting my mood. Feeling pretty low. Any suggestions? 🤞🏻

Hummingbird32 profile image

I’ve also had a cough and had itching skin without a rash at first as well though that seems less now.

I’m worried it my be Candida that has got into my bloodstream which is causing the muscle pain.

Mindismom profile image

I've had ear pain for 4 years that no one can see. I have lesions on my tongue for 2 years now. Biopsy just says "fungal overgrowth" Fluconazole helps but never takes it away. The ENT won't even give it to me! Tomorrow I will be finishing a month of flaconazole. Things are better but not gone. Not sure where I am going now. I have also done the rinse multiple times. The lesions, ear pain, throat pain and headache are all on the right side. I have diabetes so that doesn't help. COPD and Fibromyalgia. I've been trying to figure out things myself as no one seems to be able to help me. Since I take Vicodin for pain I tend to get constipated. Now take a stool softener and a probiotic a day. I think it is helping my stomach some. (Gastroparesis too) I've lost 23 pounds. What I think is it is in my gut and going up my throat into my ears. Seems worse at night and when I eat. So these are the things I am doing right now. Have an appointment with the sleep doc tomorrow. Might hit him up with questions. Sounds like a lot of us are in the same boat. We need help getting out! I did have a test foe Candida and came back positive but Doc said it was to low to indicate anything.

Dealz81 profile image
Dealz81 in reply toMindismom

Have you looked into 'leaky gut'?

Mindismom profile image
Mindismom in reply toDealz81

I'm leaning in that direction. I asked the GI Doc a couple of years ago about an endoscopy and he said that the one I had a few years back was fine so he didn't think I needed one. I'll look up leaky gut and check that out. Thanks

Hummingbird32 profile image

So I went to see a my gp and then a homeopath yesterday and she does think it’s a Candida overgrowth caused by mental, physical and emotional stress I’ve been under and says they are all linked.

I also went to a&e on Monday because I felt so ill and they prescribed me 50 mg of Flucanazole for the oral thrush but they were very reluctant to think that it may be in the rest of my system as they say that only happens if your immune system is compromised. I’m pretty sure it is in my system due to how I feel, it can definitely not just be localised.

The homeopath has suggested the Candida diet, natural antifungals and probiotics rather than taking the flucanazole because she says it only offers short term relief without fixing the problem. Does anyone have experience with that?

Meanwhile the main is spreading to more joints, I’m barely sleeping and I’ve lost 4kg in about 2 weeks so it’s all really draining me.

Debtfree profile image

Oh gosh poor you. I’m on my third lot of oral thrush medicine as it keeps coming back. Since February I’ve had a really painful tummy virus thing with churning and burning which goes through to back. Had diarrhoea and constipation on and off but that’s settling but feeling so weak and lost lots of weight. Know people who’ve had it and got over it. Had blood/poo tests and so far nothing and waiting for an endoscopy but the people I know have had endless things like that done and all negative. I did go on some strong antibiotics which I’m sure caused this Candida but I think it’s not just in mouth. I’ve looked for Nelsons homeopathic Candida pills which people speak highly of but Amazon and other places don’t have them at moment but certainly an homeopathic route has got to help too. It’s very debilitating but ‘all things must pass’! 🤞🏻🤞🏻

GAtherton profile image
GAthertonAdministratorFungal Infection Trust

Candida infection of your blood is something that would do a lot more than just the symptoms you have decribed, just as your doctors have told you. You have not got symptoms that would indicate a systemic candida infection.

Oral & other types of thrush can be a chronic problem that can require specialist treatment - sometimes 6 months of treatment. Certainly if you have diabetes (as someone in this thread mentions) then thrush can be a problem to get rid of. Fungi have a tendency to need longer term treatment and management compared with bacteria.

Candida overgrowth of the gut is not something doctors will recognise as it has not been described convincingly, this 'diagnosis' is something we find in thousands of websites trying to sell remedies for this unlikely illness. If it were me I would pay attention to eating a good balanced diet, lots of fibre, not excessive amounts of sugar (cut down on cakes, sweets etc) or alcohol. Probiotics can be helpful.

You certainly do seem to have struggles with anxiety over aches and pains. Your body can ache for so many reasons it is often difficult to track down the cause. Inflammation can be caused by anxiety and that is why doctors will try to think of ways to reduce anxiety, but just as the cause of anxiety can be very personal, so can the cure. It might be worth investigating if you can reduce anxiety in a systematic way - this is even sometimes a distinct illness in itself

Totospring profile image
Totospring in reply toGAtherton

Hi, thanks for your reply. This could describe me from someone else’s comment:

Since coming off the antibiotics and stomach tablets I have been suffering with -

* Neck and shoulder pains

* Dizziness/lightheaded

* Digestive problems

* Heartburn/indigestion

* Oral thrush/ lump feeling in throat

* Burning tongue

* Aches and pains all over

* Belching/flatulence

* Anxiety/depression

I feel so tired, my eyes want to shut all the time; although I’ve just finished a second lot of nystatin oral medicine my mouth is still not right. Dizziness too and limbs feel so weak. Appetite not good although I’m forcing myself to eat. I’m even making my own kefir! Despairing 😩 of it all. I’ll contact doctor soon but don’t know what they can do, perhaps more nystatin. Spending so much time in bed.....

Lipsticklover95 profile image
Lipsticklover95 in reply toTotospring

Hi what tablets have your doctor given you , ? Ive got the exact same symptoms literally feel like im going insane , and my gp has no idea what to do!!!!

Debtfree profile image
Debtfree in reply toLipsticklover95

I had some antibiotics in case I had Hpylori. Those gave me thrush which with the help of a variety of Candida medications finally went. However, my tongue still doesn’t feel right and things taste weird. Generally my stomach is better (hurray!)and all the scans etc have come back normal. I agree, the gp said, after all blood tests came back negative, “I think it’s burning mouth syndrome and you’ll have to live with it!” Unfortunately, gps do seem stumped at times but makes one feel a bit as you describe! . (Appetite has returned though.)So sorry for you. It’s so much better generally than it was so am sure it’ll be the same for you.

Are you still suffering from this? has anything got better?

Beebaa123 profile image

Hello Kazza1-1-1

I found your post from 2 years ago. I felt like I was reading my story. Have you found an answer was it LPR? Or low in vitamins? I’m still searching myself

Lipsticklover95 profile image
Lipsticklover95 in reply toBeebaa123

Hi , ive had exact same symptoms , but leg pain shaking , bowel problems ect , what did your doctor say ? Mine think im nuts! As no one understands what im going through!

kazza1-1-1 profile image
kazza1-1-1 in reply toBeebaa123

Hi beebaa123

Sorry for the late reply.

I'm still having symptoms and more.

I'm still taking my vitamins and probiotics, tumeric and d mannose as well eating a balanced diet.

My other symptoms are:

Sore to touch all over body

Ache all over body

Rashes/spots all over body

Cystitis and pelvic pain

Bruise easily

And much more

I have been looking into maybe having fibromyalgia, my mam has fibro so thier is a chance I have fibro.

I feel like I'm on my own as no one tends to believe me when I start to explain my symptoms, probably because there is so many of them.

Hope this helps :)

Lipsticklover95 profile image

Did you find out what this was then ? As i have been having exact sane symptoms and panicking as no doctor knows how to help me and my legs feel weird to!!!

Definitely not a doctor, but have you tried taking out Candex for a few days, see if things improve? I speak from my own experience with Aspergillus (which I initially mistook for Candida).

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