About - Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support | HealthUnlocked

Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support

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About Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support

Serious fungal infections are very rare but also very under-diagnosed and that has several consequences.

1) There are many more cases than we currently know about

2) People who are diagnosed can be very isolated and benefit from community support

This community is intended to address these issues by informing and educating people in the UK about serious fungal infections, what to look out for, how to get diagnosed and where the expert help is in the UK.

We also feel that informing patients is a great way to support their medical teams.

The National Aspergillosis Centre (nationalaspergillosiscentre..., currently based in Manchester is the main UK centre for the serious fungal infections caused by Aspergillus (see aspergillosis.org) and is where admin of this community is based, so we have all we need t to advise you on aspergillosis - maybe even get you a referral to this centre if warranted.

This is also the site of the Mycology Reference Centre in Manchester (mrcm.org.uk/) which is a big skill base for the identification of all pathogenic fungi, consequently, we can support the diagnosis and treatment of other rare fungal diseases like cryptococcal meningitis, Candida bloodstream infection, Pneumocystis pneumonia and more.

Note that we only support people who can use the UK NHS and only for questions and conversation about serious rare fungal infections and NOT the very common infections that you should be consulting your GP or pharmacist about - we cannot replace your relationship with your medical team but we may be able to help them help you.

Any entries that seem to us to be better dealt with by your medical team first will be deleted. Any non-UK questions will also be deleted - sorry, but we are funded by the UK taxpayer and they have to come first!

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