Hello I am new here. My uncle has bladder cancer that has metastasized to each lung. Prior to this he had surgery (emergency measure) due to a blockage. Chemo and radiation. He is now trying pembrolizumab. He has done really well in terms of coping with the treatments, but is not very well at the moment. He had his first injection last week. He is coughing, experiencing a fever and his appetite is not what it was. My question is is there anyone who has experience of this drug and might know why it has been chosen as opposed to nivolumab?
pembrolizumab Experience with - Fight Bladder Cancer
pembrolizumab Experience with
El tratamiento que pone el oncólogo es el mejor para cada paciente, el problema es que cada paciente responde de una manera diferente ya sea mejor o peor, de todas maneras el médico es el único que tiene conocimiento suficiente de cada paciente, y según la respuesta seguirá con ese u otro medicamento, el tratamiento del cáncer es muy complicado y generalmente el tratamiento lo hacen entre varios especialistas, seguro que tu tío está en muy buenas manos, tened esperanza y ya veréis como la situación cambia.
Rezo por vosotros, bendiciones
I was first diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 1/2 years ago. Had surgery first to remove a kidney and later, my bladder and prostate. The surgeries supposedly had an 80% chance of curing me. Unfortunately at my next scans, it showed that it had metastasized to my lungs. I then when on a year (16 cycles) of Gemcytoben (sp?--Gemzar) in combination with Carboplatin. This shrunk the tumors in my lungs, but was starting to damage my remaining kidney. About 9 months ago, I started Pembro. I luckily was able to tolerate it very well. At my scans last week, there was no sign of any tumors anywhere. I was truly blessed. Everyone is different. The doctors have many options. See how your uncle continues to react and if necessary, discuss options. As an aside, in January, a friend of my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. They gave her little hope, but as a last ditch effort, tried Pembro. She has had fairly significant and severe side effects, but it has been successful in significantly reducing her tumors. I wish your uncle all the best.