My husband had stage 3 bladder cancer nearly 5 years ago, bladder and prostate removed . Verbally the public health have said he should be self isolating due to this covid19 as previous cancer. His anniversary of his opporation is coming up and he always gets depressed around this time, so currently off work with stress. Even though he has doctor sick note, his employers keep ringing and writing to him as he's a key worker - parcel delivery, it's making him worse, he says his head just needs a rest. He's 60 this year. His company said if he has letter saying he is high risk this is acceptable. The public health have sent me details but advises on existing cancer and having chemo or radiology, not remission. He's not in union, company don't like employees to be in a union. Hard to get in touch with citizen advice at moment.
Has anyone on here in remission had any similar advice? Is he high risk? He has to ring into work every two days and he's stressing about that. He had high blood pressure and I'm worried all this is making him much worse mental health wise. He just wants to be left alone at the moment. I can't see how it doctor signed him if with stress, that he still needs a letter saying he is high risk due to covid. They are paying him ssp, so if he could be in work he would, we need the money.
Anyone having similar situation?