Praise GOD the lung cancer remains stable since my treatment ended in August 2016, at present there is no active cancer in my body. I will have the cathater for the rest of my life, for the most part it works OK, but I do have pain when sitting every day but it eases when i stand or walk, no problems sleeping, i have been told the bladder pain is as a result of the Radiotherapy treatment. I am also prone to UTIs because of the cathater. I am not allowed to bend as it can cause bladder bleeds. The good news is I can still get about and do light duties and I can drive for small journeys, so I have more blessings to be thankful for. I am having regular 12 week scans and appointment with the Oncologist as I am not out of the woods yet. I am so grateful to the medical and nursing staff at the Belfast Cancer Center for their excellent care. I signed up with Queens University bladder cancer research team, every time I valve a TURBT and ditsy are sent off for biopsy the research team get the left overs. May all who suffer cancer be blessed with a positive Spirit and hope for the future. God bless you all.
On going bladder isues: Praise GOD the... - Fight Bladder Cancer
On going bladder isues

Praise God indeed,
"As thy days, so shall thy strength be. " It is our weakness that has made room for God to give us such a promise ... keep praising and thanking him for your faith, strength, healing and the medical help you have been given 🙌
Congratulations. That sounds like great news. I am still fighting the battle, but keeping as positive attitude as I can. I am getting a regiment of chemotherapy--and so far, it has arrested the spread and is shrinking the tumor and "nodules" in my lungs. God bless you too. Prayer and positive attitudes seem to be as important as medicine!
God has given humans the ingenuity throughout the centuries to discover ways of restoring health through medicines. Christians rejoice in all the things that bring health working together, whether they are natural, medical or prayerful and for that we are grateful, so keep giving thanks, God loves and cares about you Jim I pray yiu will know his peace, stregnth and healing 😊
God bless you
You have been through an awful lot , yet remain positive with continued strength.
Prayers your faith remains strong and you continue on the road to an easier journey
WOW!!!!! What a warrior you are. I've been waiting for this amazing testimony!!!!!!!! God is not finished with you yet. The glory you give to God is wonderful and for that alone, you have so much more to look forward to. Your positive attitude is the greatest and it remind me so much of my husband Lee. I look forward to even greater news and I want to say GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR WONDERFUL FAMILY ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thank God for each new day, He rests His peace on me and my wife daily, we are supported by a loving caring family who are all gifts from God plus our lovely 14 grandchildren who are also gifts from God. Cancer is a journey we walk and I have been very encouraged my people who are on this same journey. May God bless you all with His grace, peace and healing.
am so happy to hear you are doing as well as you are! And you are such a young man too! I am 70 and been fighting (successfully so far ) since 2012. Have next bladder inspection next month. Funny- it seemed so barbaric at first- now its business as usual. Be well and stay well!