A good night's sleep? Whaaaaaaaaaaat?... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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A good night's sleep? Whaaaaaaaaaaat? An average morning on the life of a fibro fighter.

spidey profile image
8 Replies

Asleep by twelve, snuggling down on my memory foam mattress, head on new fluffy pillows, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Awake at sixam, seventhirtyam nineam, up at tenthirty. Should have gotten up at six thirty as I did not hurt, tramadol still working. Instead stayed stubbornly put till ten thirty by which time dog was yowling to go out. Two other people in the house but they leave it to me.

Question. Do your lot leave things to youi to do even if they are up and about and you are catching a few more zzzzzzzzzzs.?

Anyway, after such a long time in bed, you guessed it. Did the stretching whilst still lying down, pulled jeans on and staggered downstairs with dog, wellies on, stumble up garden and back ( she has to go on lead because fo next doors cat)

Hub in kitchen "Do you want a hot cross bun?" A grunt of nah from me and I fed the dog and finished making the tea.

"Why are you rocking?"


"Your'e rocking, swaying."

"Dunno, in pain, it helps, nuff milk?"

"Yep, are you eating breakfast then?"

"Erm, cereal, special K."

I dug out all my pills

One gabapentin

two co codamol

one citalopram

one lisonopril

one elleste solo

one multi vitamin

made a hot water bottle and ensconsed myself in dining chair, turned on laptop, the music from Desperados, some Neil Young, a bit of Chopin ( you have to love spotify)

"Have I got any clean T shirts?"

I wave a vague hand at ironing pile. He goes out to work, I put Paul Temple on I player.

Waiting for painkillers to work on

Thigh bone, hip, lower back, upper back, elbows, legs, feet, jaw.

Question. What are your pain points on waking and what do you do re stretchng ect?

Today I have to go out and

post a letter

have a bit of a walk

do some ironing

wash up


make bed

dry up

put some washing in machine

Optimal time will be between three and five pm. So town then, pace and potter for the rest of it.

Think I am better off going to bed at two in the morning and having less sleep, .

Question: How many hours sleep a night do you average? Is the phrase 'less is more' applicable? Is a few hours deep sleep better than twelve hours 'on and off'?

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spidey profile image
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8 Replies
ladymoth profile image

I only sleep about four hours maximum, but I need to be horizontal for a bit longer, so when pain wakes me at 4am, as it always does, I get up and make tea, swallow pills and settle down for another hour or so with a good book. In the morning every single bit of me is painful, and it's a relief to get up.

The trouble is, sometimes I get lazy and don't get up as soon as I wake. I lie there hoping things will improve until the pain really gets its boots on and forces me out of bed.

It's so silly of me, because I know that as soon as I move about and get some hot water on the old carcass, I immediately feel heaps better.

No dogs or kids to run about after, my only obligation is to keep myself and my little flat respectable, and usually I'll try to make a hot meal for my daughter and her OH, 'cos they work such long hours and do a great deal for me. Spiced chicken with coriander salad tonight I think!

I definitely think a few hours deep sleep is better than a long period of dozing and tossing and turning!

Moffy x

Hi , I sleep for about 7 hours a night.. Meds induced but its sleep

OH gets me out of bed at 7am when he goes to work

I am so stiff I feel like a plank first thing in the morning

I had fibro before I met OH or had son so they do a lot for me

Pacing is most important ... I will do two or three little jobs a day maximum...

VG x

gailmarie57 profile image

gosh I am lucky if I manage 2 hours, up and down all night try to space out trams and paracetamol so that when pain kicks in I have at least some form of pain relief even if only tickles it.

My restless legs and the feeling of pressure, or lying on a bed of pebbles are the main culprits. Pain £1000 for a memory foam mattress, (rubbish) have now got a feather mattress topper (still rubbish) quilt too heavy too hot, too cold no happy medium.

Would give anything for a good sleep, I am absolutely shattered.

bimblemitch profile image
bimblemitch in reply to gailmarie57

I worked for a memory foam mattress company for many years and as a perk all employees got a free mattress. Initially I found the mattress very comfortable and would not consider ever changing it. I then got diagnosed with fibo and began sleeping less and when I did manage to get out of bed my whole body hurt. I came to the conclusion that the mattress was so dense that I was straining my body to move and getting out of bed was a nightmare. I now have a pocket sprung mattress and the difference is amazing. I can move around during the night and getting out of bed is much easier. I can honestly say that I am now sleeping much better and although I still ache in the morning it is not so bad.

aura2 profile image

Some nights I sleep for 5/6hours , others like last night i am awake every couple of hours .I woke at 2. 330. 6. 7.30. 8.15 and I am shattered yes I agree I would sooner have a few hours good sleep than 7/8 broken

suwie profile image

I am the same I have dissterbed sleep all the time but I rest in the the afternoon as much as I can I have siatica too but when I have deap sleep wich is hardly ever I am rested then we start al over again soft hugs :)

gailmarie57 profile image

May have to think about a new bed....again. may try one of the sprung ones I have to do something. I am an OU student and from grades of average 70+ on my last assignment due to lack of sleep fibro fog and loss of concentration only managed 45%. OK its a pass but only just nothing like my usual standard.

moo196 profile image

Hmm - I can be in bed "asleep" for 8 or 9 hours sometimes - but it's not refreshing or restorative sleep at all .... think I am just hovering under and never get to deep sleep....

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