A couple of weeks ago I rang the Adults with Disabilities social work team to see if I could get some more help.I had a visit from a very nice man (!) last week and he is going to send someone from the enablement team to see what I need help with.
He is also going to write me a letter to send with my housing application to increase my chances of getting somewhere sooner.He is going to contact the team who deals with hearing impairment .He reeled off all sorts of things I might be able to get from them! such as smoke detectors,carbon monoxide alarms,a thing that you wear around your neck to amplify the TV or conversations (as well as your hearing aids I think
He also said I could get a fall alarm which I was pleased about as I am getting increasingly worried about how I would get up if I did fall.I'm very unbalanced and it seems to come in waves and go for a few days and be perfectly fine then have a week of falling or nearly falling several times a day!
It was such a releif for someone to actually take command and make suggestions! The social worker also said that once I'm on the housing association list It could be as little as a couple of months if they have a suitable property before I can move.I'm not getting excited though because everything I do always seems to be long and drawn out!.I will however start to pack little used things as it takes so long for me to do things.I'd thought of using the bags that you put laundry in,the checked ones .I saw them being sold on a removals website and thought it was a good idea.You can put quite a lot in them and still manage to carry them.