go to bed tired ; wake up tired so fed up with this can;t even go out for the day as i have to sleep for 3 hours after lunch ;does ant body else have this problem on top of everything else . any advice on how to get more energy and don.t say exercise ; tried that and made myself worse <could not walk for days x x x
tired tired all the time: go to bed... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
tired tired all the time

Hi Rice
I can sympathise with you I too sleep for about three hours in the afternoon and never seem to have any energy. I have tried to get fresh air exhausting -- manoovering about exhausting- working on computer exhausting doing my hobbies felt making and photography exhausting reading oh here I go again Right what I do nextis get myself together wash my hair put a smile on my face chat with VG and every body go out if possible and then I dont mind sitting down keep smiling and take heart xgins
The exhaustion and sheer weariness is a big part of fibro and I feel for you I know you feel thatnyou are idle make huge olans each bight about whatnyou are going to do the next day and then cant even cooe with getting dressed but you are not lazy itnis an illness an we have to acceot it as such hugz petal
I read an article about vitamin D, lack of vitamin D shows as a lot of the kind of symptoms we can have, I am going to give it a go, as I feel extra extra bad just lately. I dont think it will 'cure' me but if it makes me feel marginally better. They say that a lot of people are low on vitamin D this time of year, and lets face it there wasn't much sun topping up in the summer last year was there?!
I read an article about vitamin D, lack of vitamin D shows as a lot of the kind of symptoms we can have, I am going to give it a go, as I feel extra extra bad just lately. I dont think it will 'cure' me but if it makes me feel marginally better. They say that a lot of people are low on vitamin D this time of year, and lets face it there wasn't much sun topping up in the summer last year was there?!
I read an article about vitamin D, lack of vitamin D shows as a lot of the kind of symptoms we can have, I am going to give it a go, as I feel extra extra bad just lately. I dont think it will 'cure' me but if it makes me feel marginally better. They say that a lot of people are low on vitamin D this time of year, and lets face it there wasn't much sun topping up in the summer last year was there?!
I read an article about vitamin D, lack of vitamin D shows as a lot of the kind of symptoms we can have, I am going to give it a go, as I feel extra extra bad just lately. I dont think it will 'cure' me but if it makes me feel marginally better. They say that a lot of people are low on vitamin D this time of year, and lets face it there wasn't much sun topping up in the summer last year was there?!
I read an article about vitamin D, lack of vitamin D shows as a lot of the kind of symptoms we can have, I am going to give it a go, as I feel extra extra bad just lately. I dont think it will 'cure' me but if it makes me feel marginally better. They say that a lot of people are low on vitamin D this time of year, and lets face it there wasn't much sun topping up in the summer last year was there?!
I read an article about vitamin D, lack of vitamin D shows as a lot of the kind of symptoms we can have, I am going to give it a go, as I feel extra extra bad just lately. I dont think it will 'cure' me but if it makes me feel marginally better. They say that a lot of people are low on vitamin D this time of year, and lets face it there wasn't much sun topping up in the summer last year was there?!
I read an article about vitamin D, lack of vitamin D shows as a lot of the kind of symptoms we can have, I am going to give it a go, as I feel extra extra bad just lately. I dont think it will 'cure' me but if it makes me feel marginally better. They say that a lot of people are low on vitamin D this time of year, and lets face it there wasn't much sun topping up in the summer last year was there?!
I'm afraid that chronic tiredness is typical of fibro - we all have it to a greater or lesser degree, and there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it! Taking frequent breaks helps as does a LITTLE exercise.
I too have made the mistake of going to the gym and forcing myself through a good work out - I could barely stagger to the bathroom for three days afterwards. Very short periods of exercise, like ten minutes gentle walk in the fresh air, or a good 'cat stretch' will definitely help, and prevent stiffness.
I have found a little relief from fish oil capsules - vitamin D again, I guess, so it's always worth a try.
Hope you feel better soon
Moffy x
I've finally listened to my doctor....don't fight your illness, it's o.k. to give in to it, so maybe try 4 x half hourly rest periods a day, visualisation/relaxation cd's (works for me on my ipod). When I took early retirement I took up scrapbooking and stamping...worked a treat. Producing something artistic is great for the soul and releases stress. You can really lose yourself and it helps my overactive brain. Fresh air helps, just go the door and get a few lung-fulls, deep breathing exercises made a difference to me ! There are lots of things that might be available to you locally, such as Tai Ch and and Qui Gong which are all energy based activities, slow and relaxing.
Try some gentle yoga exercises, nothing difficult and there is a book called 'Yoga for Fibromyalgia' by Shoosh Lettick Crotzer I would recommend, published by rodmellpress.com and available on Amazon. There are lot of exercises which you do sitting on a chair. Just a couple of exercises or stretches a day might help you.
I'd also highly recommend a book called 'Energy Medicine' by Donna Eden, published by Piatkus Books, very interesting and lots of hands on things you can do to help yourself.
Lastly, I learnt how to do Reiki and am now a Reiki teacher. You might be surprised by the results, I was. Very soothing and something you can do on yourself.
Sorry for the long reply, hope there's something there you can use
Hi Rice
I know the feeling well - going to bed gives you no comfort, I get up pretty early - my bad times are between 9-10 am, 2-4 pm and 9-10.30 feelings of total exhaustion, but look on the bright side Tesco xtra stores are so easy to get round at 2.30 in the morning.
i like your attitude