Hi my name is Tracy, I live in chorley, I have ME and Fibro myalgia and im looking to make friends with similar conditions to chat with and not feel like im on my own x
Thanks x
Hi my name is Tracy, I live in chorley, I have ME and Fibro myalgia and im looking to make friends with similar conditions to chat with and not feel like im on my own x
Thanks x
Hello Tracy and welcome, this is a lovely place you have found to find friendship and support. I have found everyone so kind and understanding and hope that you will do so too.
Foggy x
You've come to the right place, Scousey. We're a friendly lot here, we share our experiences, have a good moan and a good laugh, so welcome!'
It's quiet today - I guess everyone is out to lunch for Mother's Day, but it will liven up later!
Have fun here, and look at our main site:
We all look forward to chatting with you!
Moffy x
Hi tracey...I joined this site a few weeks ago...its been a LIFELINE to me especially when I've been in bed.
Welcome and enjoy the chat : )
Hi and welcome yup the volunteers are mad but we are all friendly and chatty
Nice to see you on here
VG x
Hi Tracy, sorry you've been afflicted with these conditions I have FM and maybe another condition that's under investigation . Welcome to this fan site it's one of the best . You won't be alone here. Copy my sudo name on here message me anytime . Everyone's friendly here and I allways get replies to my blogs or questions and the people whom run it are truly lovley x
Its so easy feeling isolated with these debilitating illnesses...Always good to have somewhere to go for support or to vent etc...We all in this together Wishing you a pain free day
Lol mean FM site my spell checks messed up and my eyesights terrible haha
Hi All,
Thank you for all ur kind msgs, im having alot of painfull days, especially with my knees and joints, they have become very painfull and swollen, i take a whole load of medication including naproxin but this doesnt really help and all i seem to do is be in the doctors, i used to be so active and work, now some days i cant hardly move.
Wishing all u mums a Happy mums day and all a painfree day and feel free to msg me xxx
Hi Tracy , I live in Blackburn which is not too far from charley, do you ever get over this way, would be nice to meet up with someone who knows what this feels like , as people who don't have fm have no idea