well went and just giggly all the time even my daughter walked out the room (she is 12) so its embarrasing for her hahaha.
got infection in both ears !! Dr said so which ear is the worst as both are really inflamed aswell and the pain shooting on right side of head yet my left side i am burning up so much i have to get fresh air and ice packs to cool down (not using my birdseye garden peas )
so got antibiotic sprapy steroids so lets see how goes as got a busy day tomoro no time to rest all am afraid i chose to carry on runniny my work so lets gooo goo goo ..
ohh and the shooting dullness of either side of jaw taking it turns its just a joke too but i can handle this as it does not last long!!
told Dr if it moves in i had enough as that is the last resort.
i so can handle so much but that is bad! and its where there is no teeth..i not a gummy bear yet but not far off heheh xx
Was in pharmacy aaaages talking to pharmacist and he said his mum has neck problems and severe migrains and said that accupuncture helped, my sister had it and said it was ok for her as she has nerve issues from shoulder to arm hand on right side but amitryptiline has done the trick for her and like a human being again! i sooooo wish!!
told him all my issues and he was ohhh you so have been through the mill and are suffering and dont know how you do it as you brighten up our pharmacy everytime you come in as your always happy smiley giggly
guess thats niiiiice to know (mrs browns) heheheh xx hope you alll doing ok and coping as best you can and now to venture round the posts and see what i can do to help love to you alll your so wonderful to me i dont know what i do without you all xxxxxxxxxxxxhugs
no main pic file i realy cannot be fussed tonite