Well that's my appeal letter posted today , 1st class AND TO SIGH FOR , just to make sure they get it . 2 flipping A4 sizes of paper . No idea how long it will take before it gets to the tribunal I don't really care as long as I can get my points across . It just seems so wrong that we have to do all this , it's almost as if we are all telling BIG FAT LIES . How long have other people had to wait before it gets to a tribunal ? What happens when your there , are you treated ok or like some 2nd class citizen who deserves nothing . Would be interested to know .
MY APPEAL FOR ESA: Well that's my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fingers crossed that your appeal goes well
VG x

Thanks will keep everyone updated . Don't expect to win but I can but try
Mandy x x
The benefit system has left me exhausted, I have had to appeal agianst ridiculous decisions and 4 years later after losing my job I am awaiting my 2nd DLA and 3RD ESA appeal, even though I won last time. Hope you have more luck than I did, because Its been very stressful for me.
I can imagine , I feel for you I really do, its so unfair. They seem to treat us all as if yes are lieing . If you win they should accept it it and leave you alone . Wonder how they would feel if the tables were turned and it was them who were being treated in this way. I don't expect I will win , but I can but try . I hope you get the outcome you deserve its seems so wrong and unfair on you . They obv don't take the stress into account which in itself must make things a million times worse . Will keep everyone posted on what happens .
Take care
Mandy x x
extremely stressful.On my 2nd time around for D.L.A. Its taken 4 years.I cant describe how I feel.I ended up in hospital after my last tribunal.I believe it was the stress it caused to basically be told you are a liar.Because I walked from the reception area to the room I was deemed as well!!!!!!!!
That's just so wrong , just cos you walked , what did they expect you to do , get carried ? I asked to use the loo after my medical and even though the medical had finished this was even noted down ! They make people feel like a set of liers , as if we enjoy being like this. I can't believe it's taken them 4 yrs , what the heck are they playing at , do they think , if we take our time over this they may drop it!! Makes me sick the way people are treated . I hope things are looking up for you . Take care
Mandy x x
thank you for your message.
I do believe that they think we will drop the appeals.I did get to the stage where I thought sod it,I cant carry on.But I have sent another letter.Lets see what happens?
Hope you win. No idea when I will hear from them , I only posted my appeals letter this wed but made sure I sent it to sign for otherwise they would no doubt say they don't have it. I will ring them nx wk see if they have it AND to see if there still paying me I told them till it was heard I wanted to stay on ESA at the assessment phase I'm due to pickup a new sick note nx Tuesday which I will have to fax as I'm meant to be paid nx Fri but won't be surprised if I don't get paid . Even before we get to this stage they cause stress as they seem to always pay me late . Hope you get the result you want
Take care
Mandy x x
I am still waiting for a date for tribunal and i sent letter in to them in June last year

JUNE , good grief what are they messing about at ? Why and what makes them take such a long time , it's ridiculous , I know they claim they have a back log but surely they could employ more people if it's taking them this long to sort things out . I mean it's not even as if the job they do is hard maybe they should consider employing the people they have turned down for ESA & DLA after all we would prob know more and understand people more & treat them with respect & dignity , mind you we would prob allow people the benefit they are appealing about . Hope you hear something soon & win
Take care
Mandy x x