Hi Everyone.
It has been a very long time since I wrote on here. But I have been reading all the posts on here which gave me a bit of hope. I went to my appeal on Wednesday after appeal the desicion the tribunal made in January telling me I was fit for work. I was at the one on Wednesday for an 90 mins...it was excruciating! The pain was too much, the questions were too much which is why I ended up in tears which is when I said I want to go home when they asked me if I want a break. I told them I need to rest. Anyway yesterday I heard the post man. The anxiety made me almost faint. About 20 mins later I went and got the post, open the dreaded Brown envelop and seen appeal allowed. I screamed out 'yes' in my hallway...sure everyone heard lol. Anyway the have put me in the work retaliated group and said I should be assessed within 18 months. Even though it's not the support group I'm not going to complain as I have been fighting the desicion the dwp made of 0 points for the last 14 months I really don't have the strength to now to appeal for the support group. I'm just glad somebody at that tribunal was listening. They actual said they relied mainly on the evidence from my social worker.
Hope everyone is well and u all have a great weekend
Misstitch xxxxxx