my other dog: buster aged 11 . - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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my other dog

anbuma profile image
20 Replies

buster aged 11 .

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anbuma profile image
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20 Replies
charlii profile image

beautiful! I love dogs, please tell me more about him/her xx

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to charlii

my profile pic is off my first dog,Max-a GSD X.i adopted him from Battersea Dogs Home in London in sept 1998 after being made redundant -I could no longer work due to fibro and as I lived alone I decided one sept day to go Battersea Dogs home to get a dog..he was about 2.5 years old and had been picked up as a stray..I bought him home and discovered what a wonderful dog he was -a great companion and no problem with other dogs or children.i had a special bond with him.he was a canny dog and would often go to the houses where 2 of his best doggy pals lived and sit on their 1999 we moved to gillingham kent to have a better life and then we moved to Northumberland in 2003.after a year I acquired Buster from the local rescue kennels and I lost my beloved Max to cancer at xmas 2006,Me and Buster were on our own for a year during which time we bonded more.

Buster was 3.5 years when I got him and I was told his previous owner wanted to have him put down as he had a history of biting and had done so being provoked by a child.i met him on a walk with Max to the beach(in summer 2005) and buster came over to say hello and seemed such a sweet dog(I didnt know his history at this point).I came back from my walk and phoned the local kennels to see if I could adopt Buster(a dobermann terrier cross).I then went back to where he was staying in a foster home and he came to stay for 2 weeks trial he never went back.! although he had a bad start in life and we had a few incidents to start with he soon mellowed and I discovered he had a sweet nature.sadly I then lost my beloved Max and it broke my heart btu I had to keep going for Buster.a year later just before xmas 2007 a young 4 month old staffie X gsd had arrived in the kennels.i had not had experience of puppies but decided to give her a she spent her first Christmas with us,.after I lost Max buster seemed to be very down for a while.i wasn't sure whether he would accept the puppy.anyway she stayed and in time Buster accepted her.i named her her first year she almost destroyed my house ,being a typical puppy and chewing furniture etc.she even somehow managed to jump up at the coat hooks and pulled my coat and the coat hooks off the time I went out she got into the bathroom and when i came home the contents of the waste bin were scattered all over my lounge.god knows how many times she must have gone up and down stairs.despite her mischiefness she is a very loving dog although she is bad around other dogs. Buster eventually accepted her and now they are good buddies tho can still ahve "their moments".i love them both btu there will never be the same bond I had with my Max.Buster is now 11 and not in good health .,he possibly has arthritis.i had taken him to the vets as his legs were "trembling" and they said it was arthritis.i also noticed that he had lost weight and his spine became arched(a condition dobermanns may be prone to)he still enjoys a long walk in the mornings and he knows where he wants to go for his walks and me and annie just follow(within reason).Annie is now 5.5 years.she loves her home comforts and most night s she will sleep on the pillow next to me.occasionally Buster will come upstairs but because of his arthritis he finds it difficult to get down again.annie has a couple of habits.she has only ever eaten her food before her walk and if I don't walk her she doesn't always eat.she also sits by the fridge until i give her favourite chicken roll.she loves soft toys to play with until she pulls the stuffing out of them,busters favourite toy is a toy Panda andhe like stoplay with a ball and i have lost count of the tennis balls he brings home from where other dogs have "lost" them.when I first got buster he loved to go the beach and was a very nervous dog hated noise, things like a motorbike would freak him and these days he wants to go to the beach but if its high tide and the waves are big he wont go there.he also hates fireworks, we regularly go back to see the staff at the kennels where they both were-usually when one or other of them has to go to the vets which are in the same industrial estate and they are always pleased to see them./

ORRRR Bless, he's a big lad. I love dogs, al dogs. I lost my Princess last October, old age she was 17, I got her when she was 9 weeks old. She grew up with my 2 kids, and had 6 years with my 6 year old grandaughter. They dressed her up and alsorts she loved it. They used to put her in dolls pram, with a bonnet on lol. I only have 1 dog now. He's a 3.5 year old boxer male.

Lol, he's so intelligent, ive trained him to take the washing out the washer for me, he brings shopping in from the car.. and keeps me warm at night when im cold... I wouldnt reccomend letting dogs on the bed, some people frown upon it, but because he has skin allergies he's bathed in prescription shampoo every 3 days, so he's clean lol.

But he is lush. xx

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to

hope you can read my response to Charlii s blog.

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to

its great when dogs are brilliant with children ,you had her a long was hard for me losing my Max after 8 years,so I can imagine how you must have felt .I didnt mention this-Buster may look big in his photo but he is a medium sized dog.

annie is the size of a staffie with gsd markings.

Teddysmum43 profile image

I love seeing everyone's animals :)

Saskia profile image




anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Saskia

thank you.i had loads of cuddles today from them both as having a bad day.

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Saskia

thanks Saskia

Saskia profile image

I don't understand how anyone can post a comment without giving their user name. i.e as anonymous.

When these posts are deleted does it mean the content of the post was offensive? I have noticed this a few times on various blogs.

Does anyone know?

Hope you are OK anbuma and that you are feeling much better than you have been.

Saskia XX

irisjoy profile image

sometimes people put a reply to another post on here so they delete it , it doesn't mean it was offensive x

irisjoy profile image

sorry a reply to another post that doesn't apply or belong to this post hmm does this make sesnse ? oh well xx

Saskia profile image

Hi irisjoy,

Thanks for explaining! I have often wondered why comments are deleted. I am glad it doesn't mean that they were offensive! Life is hard enough without aggro. on this site!

Have a good day. Keep warm.

Hugs Saskia XX

charlii profile image

Thank you for sharing the stories of your dogs with us, you write with such obvious love and passion for them and i wish more people were like you. I love dogs so much and my own baby girl is like my 4th child, she is on of our children and boy does she know it. I will post some pics of her soon when my son shows me how lol as i love showing her off. I actually have more pics of her on my blackberry than i do of the kids!

I actually have wondered about the deleted posts and thought will a heavy hart that they were probably offensive which made me sad. I dont like conflict and saskia hit the nail on the head when she said life is hard enough for us without aggro, so very true saskia!

We ought to have a pet day on the site where everyone posts pics and stories of their pets...that would be lovely...take care everyone...Love Charlii xx

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to charlii

hello Charlii.

my dogs are my life,i cannot imagine life without a canine companion and they are a reason to get up in the mornings and I love walking them.a pet day is a great idea.

Saskia profile image

I am not sure how to post pictures but, like all of you, I love animals and my 2 dogs and 2 cats are my babies. They give us so much love and comfort don't they.

A pet-themed day would be lovely but, of course, we'll have to always remember that some people may need to write a blog 'cos they are feeling sad, lonely or are having problems and may need help. Also, I suppose there may be people who don't share our love of animals but then they don't have to read our blogs!

Like you, Charlii I was relieved to find out that posts aren't necessarily deleted 'cos they are offensive.

Love and hugs to all of you. Have a good weekend and keep warm.

Saskia xx

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Saskia

hi saskia

to post photos

click on " Write a blog post " at top right.then asks for title and main body of your blog and below that is IMAGE,click on BROWSE and this will let you select photos from your albums.

then select your picture you want and " open it" and it should upload your pic.this is what I did .I hope its right and it works for you

anbuma profile image

I have just deleted a comment because at first the blog I wrote didn't appear and when I typed it again the original was posted so deleted it .nothing offensive.

Saskia profile image

Hi anbuma,

Thanks for advice. I'll have a go when my head is a bit clearer! I am a bit of a technophobe! but I like to learn how to do things. Also I am one-handed at the moment having broken my wrist last week! Deep joy...just makes life more challenging......

I hope you are feeling better and getting the help you need from your GP/other professional. I seem to remember your GP hasn't been all that helpful?

Take care

Love and lopsided hugs Saskia XX

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Saskia

hi Saskia

its not often I remember how to do the simplest of things-I managed to delete some photos without knowing how I had done head is often "fuzzy" and muddled .i had to get my brother to set up emails etc when i got a new computer as i didnt have a probably doesn't help that I tripped in the kitchen yesterday and banged my head on the back door. now i have a massive bump. hope your wrist mends itself quickly.i am feeling better today but still have feeling something else is going on besides gallstones.i wrote a letter to my Dr a while ago to let him know my feelings and say things I didn't get chance to in appts.i think that might have had some effect as he did explain things a bit more when I last saw him tho it doesn't give me any clue as to what all my symptoms are.i still have not received my appt from the hospital yet,.DR said they can take 12 weeks.

take care


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