what do I mean? Well we are told we have Fibro are instant reaction is relief
that at last some one has put a title on our pain and by so doing there may be a solution waiting for us so we feel empowered. We leave the docs to go to research on google or whatever. Sitting with a cup of tea we nod in agreement we see our pain identified - it is scary- it is long term it is our life .
So we look for ways really to ease our daily pain, comforters to cushion our limbs. Pain killers become our daily helpers. We make new friends and accept life with Fibro. We are luckier than a lot of people but some days we forget that.
Now we need to accept that we can still have a good life like this and we can - we need to be positive it helps.
A smile today is good for you and making others smile with you is even better.
Gentle hugs to you today
Written by a long term Fibro sufferer/dreamer of better things