My CPN visited last week, as usual she jollies me along and helps with problems that I cannot see answers to... just before leaving she says, "I am sorry, I have some bad news..." my heart sank quickly as she explained that soon I will be removed from her care list as her colleague is retiring and the nhs will not be replacing them. Meaning that she will have to see all their patients too! She will be covering a massive area! She has been told by her boss... that she can only keep patients with psychosis and schitzophrenia? Spelling? And that her depressives will have to be supported only by their GP's! I rely on her help and advice so much.... she is trained to help with so many issues, I really can't see my GP helping me the same! In the past when I have seen my GP about my depression, he never offered advice except to say... better ask your CPN for help with that! What is it all coming to here? Are we to be left like this, depression is not something that a doctor can truly give you a pill for, that magically removes the issues that gives depression in the first place! I have tried umpteen ssri's, had therapies, seen psychiatrists....but the only person that truly helps me deal with my life is my CPN! It stinks that cutbacks affect those who truly need services like this.
What the....?: My CPN visited last week... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
What the....?

My CPN did say that she would try and put a care plan in place for me before she drops me, but there is so little support in my area that I feel extremely anxious about the situation.
I hope she does manage to put a care plan into place for you before she leaves you. It must be awful to have that help there and then discover it won't be there for much longer. I know I would be devastated over it. But in hindsight I have suffered with depression for 37 years now and have not had any help for it so there is no powers that be to suddenly let me down. But I do have access to ten weeks counselling for myself as my daughters carer so I may take them up on it. But I hope it all goes well for you if the plan is put into place. But you know we are all here if you need support xxxxx
Thank you Ozzygirl, it's good to know that folks on here have a listening ear and are happy to reply :-). I have been suffering with depression for 19 years and have been lucky to have CPN
Support for the last 6 years, which although is in no way a cure... has helped me take things day to day. I hope that the counselling you mention does help you to cope with things easier. I am so distressed and anxious about losing my CPN, I just don't know how the nhs can justify leaving one CPN to cover such a massive area, that was originally covered by two! It's total madness!
Hi Moop, what an awful situation for you to be put in!
I don't know what to say, except that you could try contacting your local branch of 'MIND' - I believe they have drop-in centres where you can get some skilled help.
They are a charity, not NHS run, so don't have the same constraints. My cousin has mental health issues, and loves the people at MIND - she now works part time for them which has been a life-line for her.
Also, we're always here for you, and between us we've suffered just about every illness known to man, so you'll always be sure of an understanding welcome.
Hope this helps, and that you can get some support.
Love Moffy x
Hello Moffy, thanks for your reply... I will check out MIND, I am pretty much housebound... so I hope they have an outreach of some kind even if it's only by phone?! I am in the Northern Highlands and everything is miles away I have to travel down a single track road 18 miles to get to my GP, nearest shopping town 40 miles away, you'll be picturing how remote I am eh?
Love Moop x
Oh.... MIND is for England and Wales. So I will have to do some research for help in Scotland.Does anyone know if there is anything similar in Scotland? Thank you...
Here you are Moop - the Scottish Association for Mental Health - pretty much the same as MIND, but further North!
Contact them and see what they can do for you. Any problems, get back to us and we'll have another look. Of course, you could always move South ....?
Love Moffy x
Thanks Moffy I will check them out. A move down south.... not a viable proposition
I really feel for you Moop, and so so understand what you are going through and how hopeless it seems. I wish I could make things better for you but I dont think i can, though I would very much like to.
I was in a similar position a few years back, the CPN who had been seeing me for over 15 years was suddenly unable to keep me on her list for the exact same reasons as yours gave you. I felt like a ship set adrift, not knowing how to cope in many many ways. Just lately I have been really struggling again since the death of my Father, and someone who I'm seeing for bereavement counselling realised I am in such a bad place that she called for the crisis intervention team. So they came to my cottage, (wreaking of cigarette smoke, which I loathe) established that I am not actively suicidal, have a vague grasp of some of my problems and then left saying they didn't feel they could help me ......... hey, both my therapist and GP saw me and both agreed I was in a really bad way, so why did they even bother to come I think. So here I am still feeling vile, both physically and emotionally and there's no problem, you could kid me.
Anyway, I hope that things improve for you Moop, try contacting your GP again to see if it could be reconsidered. I know things are financially under pressure but that doesn't help those of us who really struggle, so I am sending you gentle hugs .x
Thank you Fibrofoggiest... it is an awful predicament to be in and I feel for you too! I understand that the nhs must cut their spending but at the cost to folks like us is absolutely vulgar. My fibro is affected by extra stress, I have certainly noticed over the last few days more intense fatigue, pain and stiffness. Feeling pretty desperate... emotional, depressed even more fed up with the nhs and its awful ideas. Surely there are desk jobs that could go instead of professionals who truly make a difference to lives?!
Thank you for the gentle caring hugs... gentle caring hugs for you too x
Tank you so much Moop , it is sad in most ways that we have the understanding of each other's situation so well, but there is so much we have in common . Like you my pain levels are fired up by all this and I am struggling with a new addition to my array of "things" and that is tinnitus and has been driving completely up the walls for the last month.
I agre that surely there are some admin jobs that could be culled instead of those at the front line of service, but I think in so many areas, not just ours,that is where the jobs are being taken from. GGrrrrrrrr.
I love the spaniels in of profile piccie if you turn your puter on edge, you will see my beloved jack Russell , although if like me, you have an iPad, it's rather frustrating, haha. I find my solace in my dogs on bad days we just stay in bed all day and they almost let themselves out and never seem to mind. Take care Moop and an ear (albeit with a loud ringing noise in it) is always here for you together with an endless supply of gentle hugs. F....iest x