To whom ever suggested a bar of soap under the sheet to possibly help ease restless leg thankyou a million, billion, trillion, I have only had two bouts since I started with said suggestion, I used to have up to three bouts a night, I would just get settled an it would start, it would last an hour or two then settle,it would go on like that for about two to three nights a week, now its only fibro pain that keeps me awake, so thankyou again I will now try to get to sleep again have had some oromoph so that may help night all. Sithy
Thankyou.: To whom ever suggested a bar... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

yes it is a great remedy for cramps as well - I found that you do have to change the soap after a while - a year - so very cost effective as well
Hi cmdrpolly I found that Dove soap didn't work for me so I got the cheapest I could find.
I also found I'm not getting so many cramps in my upper back so that's a plus, they are horrendous, I am literally crawling around on the floor trying to escape the pain which of corse has. No effect other than to cause pain In my knees and hips, well am gonna try to get some sleep but don't think it will happen as have flair in right hip a d shoulder. Big gentle hugs sithy
Wow. I wonder why that works? Either way I will try it tonight
can you please explain what you do with the soap as i would like to give it a try ?
Yes. Can I repeat Belinda's post lol
Hi bbstport you place the bar of soap under your bottom sheet near your feet,it doesn't have to be touching just near them that's what I was told, I've been sleeping with a bar of soap for nearly a year now and will continue to do so as long as it works. Good luck I hope it works for you aswell gentle hugs. Sithy
WOW, it's worth a try. Thanks for the information. I HATE getting restless legs, but I also get the feeling in my shoulders, arms, chest etc. Perhaps I should put a bar at the top and bottom of the bed ?! Can it be any type of soap ?
Hi Helen no brand of soap was mentioned so I guess any brand was available wellamof to bedas am dead on my feet. Sithy