RE HELP!!: HI ALL,WELL.......i have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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pondminstrel profile image
13 Replies

HI ALL,WELL.......i have just had a reply from DWP about my claim asking them to re look at my situation and supprise suprise! every thing stays the same!! i just rang them and explained that i dont understand how they reached that decision,and he said i havent got your form so i cant coment..but i can write in and explain why i disagree!!!...i said every thing i had put in form they said the opoposite?...well luckly i see CAB next week so she can help me..i told DWP that i gave extensive information,he said oh i cant comment! ah well i keep you posted ...AGAIN XXXX

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13 Replies
Annabell profile image

Hi we all know it is an up hill struggle and we always seem to be justifying our illness, You are doing everything right. Dont give up and be sure you get your gp on your side because the dss do write to them and ask their opinion. Good luck I would love to hear if you are successful.

Take care

Bye for now love A x

pondminstrel profile image
pondminstrel in reply to Annabell

hi,this has been going on and off since 2110!,,last form,to look at my care needs,, was filled in by CAB,with a letter from my doctor,a letter from my mental health nurse and one from my son..all went into detail about my care needs! every thing i said i couldnt do or needed help with they put the opposite...nothing fresh there...the man from DWP this morning asked if i was bed bound..i said no..oh well thats why you didnt get it then...!!!!!! so now it seems they have added that into the equation..sorry cant spell that lol ............i will see what CAB says next monday xxx,

Annabell profile image

Hi its absolutely crazy. So all people on disability are bedridden. If so why is it possible to get a mobility car bus passes etc. I think they make it up as they go along. It really annoys me that seem to take no notice of the professionals as if they just make it up. What is the point in seeing all these people if the powers that be dont take any notice. I really hope the CAB can help you further. I am really glad you are not giving up. Hope your day is going well. Please keep in touch love to know how you are getting on.

Take Care

Bye for now love Axx

pondminstrel profile image
pondminstrel in reply to Annabell

hi,i have just re read the letter they sent and according to them they came to the decision by reading my claim and taking into account my assesment made by health professional {ATOS}!!! ON THE 10TH APRIL 2012 !!! i recieve an appology from ATOS{i complained} about that assesment saying there was a lot of descrepancies in the report!! and they had sent here findingds to DWP!!! i only saw that this afternoon so am going to ring dwp Tomorrow..i keep you posted jenny x

Annabell profile image
Annabell in reply to pondminstrel

Hi thats sounds great and could be a great result for you. I think half the time they dont know what they are doing they are too interested in getting everybody "back to work". They want to try it with fibro. I know a lot of fibros have to work and I really admire them. It takes me all my time to get out of bed most mornings then I dont want to do anything but sleep.

I hope it went well this morning cant wait to hear from you. Good Luck

Take care and dont give up

Bye for now Love A xx

pondminstrel profile image
pondminstrel in reply to Annabell

hi A,just got a letter this morn saying thank you for comunication on the 4th,and they are re looking at my claim! it sounds like they listened to me when i told them about looking at ATOS assesment! so that sounds as though they MIGHT have listened for once! im seeing CAB on monday so will still write and oppose their decision,and enclose the copy of ATOS appology as well,so fingers crossed i might be lucky this time....i wont hold my breath lol ....hope you are ok and problem free-ish jenny xxxx

pondminstrel profile image

hi,i rang DWP and told them about making their decision based on ATOS assesment,and she was shocked!..she said she had never heard of any one getting an appologybefore..i also pointed out that ATOS had sent a letter to DWP explaining..she wouldnt say if they had recieved any im going to ring ATOS tomorrow and verify they send one...i told her i was disgusted that they had refused me on the grounds of an inaccurate assesment! ..she asked if i would please send in a copy of the letter....i go to the CAB on monday so will see what happens after that....i have fought all this on my own and im NOT giving up now!!! i wouldnt mind but im ruddy 63!!!! keep you posted. plus im still waiting from the Judge from my tribunal,asking for a written statement of procceding,as the statement of reasons had a lot of things that i didnt say,they took parts of a sentence in their reply,and as you know unless its said word for word things can take on an entirely different meaning! if they say they dont have an account of tribunal...i will ask them how on earth they remembered me and what i said!! way or another i will get justice ...grrr im an old rocker so we dont age well !! lol jenny xxx.

Annabell profile image
Annabell in reply to pondminstrel

Hi I have to admire you I wish we could all be like you. How did the cab go what did they think about it. I hope you can keep reasonably well and the stress doesnt set a flare off.

With all the information you are collecting surely you have a good claim. It drives me crazy when the DWP or anyone of the departments wont commit and tell you the way things are. They always want you to write in and send copies of things. I wanted a copy of a document from the tax offices and what a performance. I eventually got one but are no further nearer to clearing a tax claim up. Happy days.

Keep smiling and fighting. Speak soon.

Take care

Bye for now loves A xxx

pondminstrel profile image
pondminstrel in reply to Annabell

hi ann {?}...i have just sent you a long reply about cab etc...i hit the send button and now i cant see it anywhere!!! would you be so kind as to let me know if you recieved it?..if you havent its wizzing round in space somewhere lol x

Annabell profile image
Annabell in reply to pondminstrel

Hi no sadly I have not received it. I do it all the time and the second time you put it in its never the same. Never when you have time have another go please. Having a quiet day today dont feel like doing anything. Got fools and horses on the chandelier one its old but still good.

Hope you are having a good day.

Speak soon take care

Bye for now love Axxx

pondminstrel profile image
pondminstrel in reply to Annabell

hi hunny,i cant remember what i said now!! lol, anyway i went to CAB and between us we have done a letter for DWP,she says that they cant use the ATOS assesment as you [me],recieved a letter of apology from ATOS saying there was a lot of errors,so the DWP will have to either give me what im entitled to OR start the whole procedure again!,she thinks that as its been going on so long and i have fought so hard plus the apology from ATOS,she feels that DWP will pass my claim....well time will tell !.....i have just spent two hours trying to get my printer to work..{the CAB printer wouldnt work}..and for some reason mine decided to print every copy of my last time on printer X10 !! i couldnt stop 100 A1 papers later..i managed to print my 2 letters lol.... plus i wear long nail extensions painted black and 2 pinged of during my struggle to get printer under control! so when i have found then and stuck them back on i will be fine ! lol now its just a waiting not even dressed yet! so im going for a shower and nip to post office with all my evidence........its very cold today so your not missing much pet...i went on YOU TUBE and whatched GOLDEN GIRLS,BIRDS OF A FEATHER and ARE YOU BEING SERVED...golden oldies but funny...take care and keep warm...speak soon love jenny xx

pondminstrel profile image
pondminstrel in reply to Annabell

hi pet i have just sent you a letter and think its been sent twice...or not at all !! let me know xxx

Annabell profile image
Annabell in reply to pondminstrel

Hi got your letter. Glad it all went well and lets hope the dwp see sense. We dont lie. Its hard enough as it is just getting through each day. I know what you mean about printers I had the same trouble today. Its so frustrating. I bet you went mad when you lost your nails. I only have short nails at the moment but I used to have mine done. I lost heart when they kept falling off and was costing me so much having them back on. I loved them. Never mind. I try to keep looking good but its an up hill struggle. Anyway on a lighter note my husband is taking me out for Sunday lunch for Valentines day so I will have to find a dress and smarten myself up.

Well hope you are feeling ok. Speak soon.

Take car

Bye for now Love Annexxx

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