i have been trying to work as a kitchen helper but i have had more time off then i have been there keep haveing flair up i am sind off again as its all in my back shoulders i think i am going to have to give it up and try again to get my benfits i am so down as well cant seem to pick my self up this time what do you all think ?
work and fibro: i have been trying to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
work and fibro

Hang in there, it will improve. Pls dont get to discouraged. As for re applying for benefits go ahead.
I worked with fibro until my early 30s then I just had to give in. It's not just the physical symptoms its the mental stress of getting to a job in a flare up worrying incase you get a flare... I gave up for my sanity, had to Make lots of changes but I don't regret it at all
VG x
i have clamed benefits befor then had them taken off me and said i have to get a job but i keep haveing realy bad flair up i am also on so meny med to help with the pain but i just cant take it anymore i feel i am on a roundabout and cant get off i have my goood days and bad but how am i ment to work in this much pain i am so down all i keep doing is brakeing down crying i have let down all my familey again i dont want to be here anymore
Look the only way you will let down your family is if you are not there for them, I know sometimes it seems you are letting everyone down but usually it is only yourself as you have set the post to high and you fall off.
Give yourself a break and just tell every one that you just can not cope at the moment and as soon as you get this pain sorted out you will be there again for them.
See your GP and get some better pain relief and explain what you have just said here (where you feel so bad mentally also) and he should help with sleeping tablets so you can get some sleep as that can really help the body and mind to cope with the stress.
I really do not understand this country where people who are really ill are put in such a bad situation.
Kindest regards
I do the same work as you and am going through something similar at the moment. I have just returned to work following an 8 week absence.
I have been given a phased return, less hours at 1st then building up to normal hours over 3 weeks. I am also going to visit the occupational health next week...although I'm not sure what they do I think it might be to see if the company can help with any adaptations etc. I know that there are not many adaptations that can be done in a kitchen but you never know!
Perhaps your company has a similar set up where you can receive a bit of extra support?
I do understand that it is a very physical & full on job, like you I am really struggling & desperately trying to find another 'easier' job.
Best of luck & remember your health is most important.
Lenny x
Occupational Health are generally good for recommending adaptations, alterations to work schedule or job role, that kind of thing. For example, in my job, I was expected to do full days of clinic, which I found physically and mentally exhausting, and occupational health have requested that my manager ensures I don't do clinic all day, and that I don't do home visits, as I would have to sit on the floor (ha ha!). It might be as simple as factoring in rest periods, or providing equipment to reduce the strain, or changing hours to be more suitable - have a think before you go, so you've got something to bounce off them. x
Hello there Stoker, thank you for your message. If you click on the link below it will take you to our main site at FibroAction to an article about Benefits and Fibro, I hope you find this helpful -
Also if you would like the info sheets from Benefits and Work you can email us on info@fibroaction.org and we will be happy to send you these for free. They have a wealth of information on ESA and DLA regarding completing forms, assessments and appeals etc.
Please know that we are here for you and we will do our best to help and support you where we can or at least try to point you in the right direction.
You might consider popping along to the CAB (Citizen's Advice Bureau), they are trained and able to advise us on most topics, they might be able to advise you on your current situation with your work etc.
Hope this helps, take care.
(((hug))) xxx