I have not been told officially that I have got fibro but my GP has said that this is what he believes that I have got
L. A lot of you talk about a fibro fog i would like to hear more about it as I thought I was just slowly losing my mind . To say i just forget things would be an understatement, i forget how i got to places so often at the moment i don't go out alone, i also for get where i am going and most of the time what i am meant to be doing
The other new thing that i have read about on your site is that dropping things. This is one of the newer things that has developed over the last seven months, I never knew it might be related to fibro, it has just been some thing that has both upset me ( ie after actually getting my head and pain ~ with Oramorph under control ) I have cooked several meals only to drop them over the kitchen floor when I have tried to pick them up. It's as if my hand isn't mine and all of a sudden it has a mind of its own and I drop things and worried me a lot .
I am just beginning to learn that being told i most likely have fibro will not just cover and give reasons to the amount of pain I am getting most days, I take both MST and Oramorph to help. But this condition seems to have a lot more to find out along this journey I find my self on
Any help on how to start to either start to cope with each new problem as it happens , help with the limitations that I now find I have, advice on wether diet can help and lastly how to get other heath care professional to believe that I do have problems and I have not made up the severe pain in mainly my hips along with hands and fingers is a real pain to me
Any thoughts welcome