Hi there i was just wondering if anyone else suffer itching i have started suffering from this for the past two weeks and was hoping someone could give me an answer as to what will help me combat this
Itching: Hi there i was just wondering... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Yes but I thought it was the medication
This can be from medication or a number of other causes, my advice would be to check in with your GP Hope you get it sorted.
im always itching drives me mad i wastoldit was from meds.hope you find some answers but like mary said check with your gp x
I thought it was my medication but its not ive bben on the same medication for a number of years now without any problem so this is something new and its a right pain in the backside especially when i cant get to sleep at night and this is when it starts
My itching drives me mad but mine is definitely medication related. We are on so many different pills and potions that we need pills for the pills for the fibro. Work that one out. Your doc should give you some both histamines if it's the pills you take. Gentle hugs ?
Itching drives me crazy. I always have anti histamines in the house for if it gets really bad. My Doc prescribes me Dermol 500 to wash with as itching can be made worse by our lovely scented shower gels etc. Dermol can also be used as a lotion to rub in like moisturiser between showers so maybe you could give something like a try, it certainly does help, even if doesn't totally eradicate the problem. Hope you find relief soon, soft hugs, Speedy xx
I itch as well thought it was laundry soap etc but have been told its just another symptom the illness
This illness is one that is caused by neuro messages being sent from the brain in error and the body responds
i also get times when a feather touch will cause me intense pain
ichiness is one step away from pain in other people lol note i did not say normal peoplease
I get a lot of itching around my hips when I get into bed at night .
Has anyone tried Coca leaf tea for pain and sleep. read an artical about it seems to have healing qaulities but hard to buy local can be got on internet.
I have itchy legs, but I think that's down to my lymphoedema! I'm soooo close to scratching, but I daren't as I'd just open the skin!! I use aqueous cream which keeps my skin moist, doesn't do much for the itching though!!!! XXXX