I had 3 weeks of treatment for a severely.itchy scalp and ears. The Doctor saw nothing but gave me some shampoo, cream and antihismines. Instead of getting better it got worse. I've been back today and although she checked my head and ears found no rash or dryness and I felt as if she could think I was imagining it! I suggested Fibromyalgia but she looked vaguely at me when I said I itch generally anyway. I don't think Doctors really know enough about Fibromyalgia and it's problems. She did give me some stronger tablets though. I only hope they are the solution? Has anyone else found they work??
Itching on scalp: I had 3 weeks of... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Itching on scalp

I find I get itchy but it's usually my arms. Difficult when it's on your scalp as you can't really try anything like calamine lotion.
Have you changed anything? Shampoo / conditioner on your hair or laundry detergent / conditioner for things like pillow cases and towels.

No nothing I can think of?
Sorry, I can't think of anything else that'd cause itching. Hope the antihistamines work, it must be horrible.

Yes my itching is my arms
Did it come on suddenly? It sounds like you have an allergy to something.
I've always had dry, itchy scalp. I use simple shampoo and conditioner. Make sure you rinse thoroughly. I realised that I was becoming lazy while rinsing, often because I was fatigued. I wasn't doing it properly.
Could be your shampoo. Could try a vinegar rinse after restore your pH mix 8 to 1 water to vinegar n bathe your scalp.
My son has similar problems with his skin, he has been told he does not drink enough water (which is true) he uses DOUBLEBASE gel incl in the shower-all over ;shampoo is T-Gel and he has been told not to wash hair in the shower as this can stay on skin, wash hair out of bath and shower-not to have shower hot as that opens pours and collects what we wash with..Not to use conditioner at all and if he drink more water the oils will start to repair..Ther are so many Brands of shower gel, bath oils, shampoos on the market they drive you mad.

Just to add if you speak to a skin expert they will explain that dry skin actually has nothing to do with how much water you drink.....was it a medical professional who told you that Hidden ? I am very surprised by this I must say !
Just spoke to a friend today who has Fibromyalgia like me, she had the same problem and it gradually just went? I do itch in other places generally so I think she could be right. Fibromyalgia has lots of different health problems related to it but the Doctors just look at you vaguely when you suggest it?
interesting username. i am sure a cure will be found in the next few years. in the meantime i have had the same problem. betnovate scalp lotion helped me

I've tried everything, including the cream. I think it's to do with your nerve endings and related to Fibromyalgia (did more research). Thanks though.
p.'s. The user name was my password coming up? I914 is the date of a Bible prophecy.
you mean the date of the kingdom .
hi kingdom1914, I get that itchiness as well, and no, unfortunately I've never found anything that helps[except a darn good scratch!] my friend really annoys me when she tells me I should just keep washing my hair, believe me, doctors arnt the only ones who don't always understand fibro, they should produce a booklet for relatives so they could get some inkling of what we go through instead of making pointless remarks about washing your hair!!! wow, that's feels better. Sorry it wasn't any help though. Lyzzie x
Your quite right, that's why this sort of site is helpful in that we do understand one another, in the meantime I shall scratch my hair when I feel like it. So there!.
Rake care. Lyzzie x PS do you also suffer from bouts of overwhelming tiredness, that's another one people don't always understand. Lyzzie x.

My daughter suffers from an itchy scalp and had tried everything, including lotions and shampoos from the GP. A pharmacist I know suggested it could be a lack on zinc, and to try a zinc supplement, which helped. Check with your pharmacist though or GP if you're on any other medications.
that's interesting as I am going through similar but in my case its my whole head has gone really dry skin as well and in some places as well as being itchy its also sore (mostly in my ears - to the point am going a little deaf too probably because of it). Mind you I havne't been to docs yet as I don't want to sit in a waiting room with all this flu about so am going to put up with this for now
itchy skin can also by sypmtomatic of the menopause too - if you're a certain age that is
or that they can't work out why to be honest so treat them symptomatically - GPs don't do much dermatology at med school more often than not