weight loss: I have around 8 stone to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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weight loss

Amanda profile image
28 Replies

I have around 8 stone to lose which will improve my health.It's really important that I do so but like a lot of people I struggle with motivation sometimes.

I Thought I'd help a few other people to keep motivated so.......

My leader at A well known weight loss group told us on Thursday that if we lose

1/2 lb a week we will have lost 2 stone by next Christmas

1 lb four stone

2lb eight stone!

makes you think doesn't it?!

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Amanda profile image
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28 Replies
Ozzygirl64 profile image

It is great if we can be motivated and I did see your reply on my blog so thankyou for that too. I have ongoing stomach problems so I have to be really careful how, what and when I eat. But at the moment I am wading my way through all the goodies hubby bought for me just to use them up. But even those in moderation is fine. I am not afraid to say I deliberately put all the weight on, I had my reasons, and at the time it seemed logical. But now I am having to shit it again and I am getting there. If I can do it anyone can so I wish you the best of luck and look forward to hearing of your progress as we go along. I was once told not to be tempted to get wieghed every week as it can be disheartening so I get weighed once a month or even sometimes every six weeks. Best of luck and hopefully I will shift my six stone well before Xmas comes around xxxxx

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Hi Amanda, am sticking to my diet, got my pedal exerciser too, started New Year's Day and am really motivated by the support from people on here, I,m not starving myself this first week just cut out all the junk food , but eating normally and will see how much weight I have lost if any by Tuesday, then next week I will think about cutting down on portion size and healthier options

VG x

Saskia profile image

Hi Ozzygirl, I love your typo in the 6th line where you say "But now I am having to shit it again"

I wish it was that easy!!!!!.....lol I am still chuckling!....which isn't to make light of all your hard work, 'cos I really admire your willpower.

Take care, Love and hugs Saskia XX

ladymoth profile image

This is marvellous!

I am sure you will all be sylphlike and much healthier by next New Year. Keep at it and don't worry about small setbacks - you will get there!

Lots of encouraging hugs ...Moffy xxxx

ladyt17 profile image

Hi Amanda, I'm also losing weight, but I've opted to use The Hairy Bikers diet book, that way I can feed the whole family at the same time with very little fuss, I've lost over 2 stone in 3 months, and I'm loving it, my pains aren't so bad and I have more energy which is always good, so keep at it and good luck gentle hugs Ladyt xx

Amanda profile image
Amanda in reply to ladyt17

I watched their christmas programme it was brilliant when their relatives said they were fat!

Pixey3 profile image
Pixey3 in reply to ladyt17

Is the Hairy Bikers diet any good for vegetarians? well done on your weight loss :)

Amanda profile image

Thank for the positive replies folks! VG I have to admit to a strange occurance. I thought I' ordered the cycle but can't find evidence of having done so anywhere lol

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Well don't worry you have my review of it now to decide whether its any good for you ... See everything works out for the best... Giggles... Just blame it on fibro fog... Ps am in my jeans that were just too tight on Tuesday.. So something's shifted somewhere....


Amanda profile image
Amanda in reply to Extremelygrumpy

yay well done! x

Teddysmum43 profile image

I started back at slimming world last week. I lost 3.5 stone last year stopped in August reverted to my old ways and have put on a stone so have gone back to get off another two stone. It's not loosing the weight it's keeping it off that's the problem for me. I got to August and I just couldn't face it anymore,I felt like I was in a straight jacket. Anyway am not going to beat myself up over it,goi g to have another go and see where it takes me. Just cannot face seeing that weight going on again as I have been feeling so horrible in myself and now I feel more in control again :) Good luck everyone xx

Libs is officially joining the Slimming Brigade here at FibroAction! You've seen it in print! Got two stone to lose and this time I am going to do it! Thankfully I am tall and can disguise the extra weight but I hate it all the same. Once the weather gets better I am going to attempt to ride my bike, watch this space! I think I will avoid advice from VG because I could end up in traction, bless her!

Going to start with gentle walks with our two dogs if I can manage it, failing that a few gentle exercises to get into a routine. Cutting out all the junk I eat too, crisps especially. Nuts too unless just a healthy handful for a snack, no more salted peanuts for me!

Well done everyone, let's see how much we can safely lose together. Don't forget to speak to your GP's first though for any medical advice about dieting with our medications etc.

Good luck to all those participating! :)

(((hug))) xxx


Extremelygrumpy profile image

Welcome LIbs... The more the merrier and more motivation without the hassle of having to worry about making it to an outside group. Gins is joining us soon... She's been quieter this week obviously hatching some cunning plan to lose weight effortlessly while we all struggle

VG x

in reply to Extremelygrumpy

Thanks VG! Day One starts tomorrow as I just blew it having a bottle of Stella with my lunch lol! Completely forgot, you see how hopeless I am lol!

I am determined to do this! :) Will keep you posted. :) xxx

Amanda profile image

I have a cunning plan also.If I lose 5% I might be able to get another 12 weeks free at club courtesy of the NHS its so rare they issue freebies so I must lose the weight (I just thought about this and realised that that is their cunning plan also DOH!)

Sarah-Jane profile image

I think my first step, after chucking the snacks, will be to get myself some decent scales that do not depend on a battery grrrrr. First ones, lost the instructions, second ones, can never remember to get new batteries - odd size and shape [funny, sounds like me!]

But sooooo love your information. I am going to write it out and pin it up straight away - well, in a minute. Oh dear, putting things off again! Do I never learn!

I hereby promise to copy it out before a minute has elapsed from answering.

Soft hugs and good luck everyone!

Sarah-Jane profile image

did it.

This coming Christmas or 2014?

Amanda profile image
Amanda in reply to Sarah-Jane

Christmas 2013

Amanda profile image

Just think of those of us who can't use exercise to shift the flab (yet, I'm ever hopeful that one day I will stop falling backwards in slow motion for no apparent reason lol !) it will probably take us longer to lose our excess weight! My Guru,sorry ww leader, said that once we have accepted that we will be eating healthily and monitoring what we eat for the rest of our lives we will be ok! I learnt a lot at class this week!!! BIGGER PEOPLE TAKE HEART I learned that thin people are dim (no offence) because bigger people's brains light up when they see food and thin people's dont

Sarah-Jane profile image
Sarah-Jane in reply to Amanda

Thanks for making me chuckle!

Well done Amanda, your determination shines through. The diet experts always say slow and steady to ensure the weight loss stays off so for Fibromites that's ideal because for the majority of us the weight will come off slowly. We aren't able to exercise as we normally could, so it's down to purely what we eat and burning it off that way.

Day One for me today, what an inspirational thread this is to us all. Thank you.

(((hug))) xxx


MrScamp profile image

I am fairly new here - joined a while back but as I write on an international site (which I haven't either for a while now) I have not written much at all.

I like the idea of Fibro's dieting and supporting one another as I believe that weight loss is more of a challenge for us folks.

I have recently become a vegetarian - though I eat fish and eggs, and have no idea how to diet healthily or what to eat for the best.

Has anyone got any recommendations as to which particular regime might work best - Hairy Bikers/Weight Watchers/Slimming World? Whilst I don't want to join a group and be told I am a naughty person because I have not lost weight etc. (feel like i am back at school) I do need to stay motivated and doing this by myself is perhaps a challenge too far.I would welcome any tips/advice


Sarah-Jane profile image
Sarah-Jane in reply to MrScamp

Darri I have done WW and that was good, you can take part on line. But to win you have to have a target as motivation. Men loose weight faster - not fair but true. Slimming World was good too. The trouble is I need to stay to the class to get motivated, but know all the answers as have done it before! Really liked the Hairy Bikers diet though. If you like to cook they had some good ideas including pies. See what is near you and then go to a meeting to see whether its for you. They should let you sit in on one for a minimal charge. Good luck!

Extremelygrumpy profile image

I am doing my weight loss on here with the support from the people on here plus KazF is my buddy who keeps reminding me not to give up and snack and I am trying to return the favour by monitoring her exercise program.. We met on here and buddied up to keep each other on track...

I also made a post on New Year's Day when I started and blog in about my weight loss every Tuesday... Knowing this keeps me motivated and I know if I only lose half a pound one week it's still something, please feel free to post on my blog or start your own

Good luck

VG x

Sarah-Jane profile image

I weigh nearly 20 stone. I am horrified at myself and hate looking in the mirror. Christmas cake for the birds, mince pies being shared, sweets unopened and put away. Plus I had help today - someone took my sandwich so no lunch! I would like to get down to 11 stone. wow 9 stone! I would like to be able to sit on a regular seat and not get stuck!

Here goes...

MrScamp profile image

Well spurred on by the motivation that you have all inspired with I shall, by the end of the week, sign up somewhere to support my weight loss.

Pixie1908 profile image

Hi I'm very very new to this site,iv been battling with my weight for yrs ,I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 so my doc put me on to a lighter life diet, I lost 2 stone in 2 months .

It wasn't easy but it cured the diabetes which was amazing ,now on the long journey to keep it off :/... Luv my food !!!

It was the blood tests for diabetes that revealed the CLL ,not what I was expecting and still getting used to the idea that I have something lurking in my system which might one day give me grief ,it's a lot to take on board !

Pixey3 profile image

In theory but in practice you could lose then put on and lose the same again unfortunately. I only lost 5 pounds in 5 months then would put on half after a weekend out, back to 4.5 yo-yoing and I finally gave up wasting my money and am seeing a dietician in four weeks time. So, what I do until then is follow a 1200 calorie diet in the week and 1400 at weekends. Weigh at home every Mon morning. Needless to say, some days I go over my set limit. Walk but can't swim until my shoulder is better. I found there was too much to eat at W.W. and felt in my case, I need to cut down calories as not very active due to long term illness. Good luck with your weight loss.

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