is anyone on a special diet that helps Fibro,does it help ?and what does it consist of.I'm asking because someone suggested, i ask the Doctor to send me to see a diet specialist as this could help me a lot.jacksiex
FOOD: is anyone on a special diet that... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

hi not a special diet but i do have foods which make me worse unfortunately chocolate is one of them ,
i would give a dietician a go tho as it may help and if not it won't harm you
thanks iris i might just do that,i also think that chocolate doesn't suit me either, not that i'm a chocolate fan so that's no problem.I don't eat a lot anyway i may have a sarni at lunch then have my tea,i prefer to wait for a cooked meal than eat in between,that's probably the incorrect way to eat but i've always eaten my food this way,many thanks jacksiex
How about keeping a food diary so you can take it with you when / if you decide to see a dietician. It is something they often recommend , so you will have a headstart
just 1 thing why is it the tummy stuff that seems to make us ill ?
warm hugs xx
Several years ago in desperation I paid £25 to bloke in America to tell me what caused fibromyalgia and how to cure it. It is his belief that it is an allergy type reaction to dairy products. I started having soya milk and avoided cheese and within a short time I came off all my medication. As with most diets I gradually went back to my old bad ways and forgot all about what I had read and ended up on more meds than ever.
About a month ago I found it on my laptop again and thought that I might ask if anyone on this site wanted to join me in a totally dairy free diet for a couple of weeks and then compare notes. (wanted to wait until after christmas so I could have all the things I enjoy that I would no longer be able to have). The thing is if it did work it would have to be a for life diet.
Would you be interested in trying this with me ?
Take care
Love Lynne x
Please speak to your GP's before embarking on any diet to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need to keep healthy. Also we have to consider what effect a specific diet might have on our Fibromyalgia and our medications too.
It's always best to seek medical advice first, take care everyone.
(((hug))) xxx
As I am Lactose intolerant, I have been on a dairy free diet for the last six years, but in that time the various pains I have been suffering got worse, and last year I was diagnosed with Fibro, so for me it hasn't helped at all being dairy free.
Though what works for one person may not work for another and vice versa
Good luck
i am currently cutting out wheat products, im not a celiac but i know i am intolerant to gluten as i kept a food diary for a few months and after eating bread i would bloat out and my IBS was worse..since cutting it out i feel less bloated. Chocolate is also a no no for me as it gives me terrible reflux. :-((((
I am effectively having a lower carb diet and i am losing weight HURRAH....only 3 stones to go arghhhh...i am not cutting out natural sugars ( fruit) but all refined sugar has gone from my diet, atificial sweeteners have gone too. The first 2 sugar fee days gave me a headache... normal i think. then....i felt great!
i had a wheat free pizza last night and it was lovely! i have had no reflux or heartburn, no nausea, and the IBS is so much better.
keep a food diary to find out the food that aggravate your condition. good luck XX
Where did you get your wheat free pizza loopyloo? Did you make it yourself? I've cut out all starchy carbs and anything containing wheat flour - again!! I lost 6 stone a few years ago but I've put about a stone back on so I need to get back on track!! I love pizza and I would give my right arm to be able to eat one again!! XX
Do you know that a lot of the good food we eat ? has actually got additives that stop your fat burning cells making you gain weight ? try the net " food additives that makes you fat "
also " the truth about 7 common food additives "
or " bad additives in food to make you fat "
you will be amazed at what foods we should be avoiding but eating every day of the week to make us keep our fat on not lose it even on a diet, I hope this helps Whizz
It's not food that makes us fat, it's how much of it we eat!! And did you know that low fat foods contain high sugars cos the fat gives food its flavour. Take the fat out and what do they add? SUGAR!!! Fat is good, certain fat anyway!! Sugar is bad. The pancreas releases insulin to deal with the sugar but if it's not used up it's laid down in the body as fat!! XX
Sue, the pizza base were the tesco 'free from' range and i added my own topping....really nice, quite small but im chewing my food more to aid digestion.
sue is right, sugar is evil! since cutting it out i do not have the mid afternoon sleepiness, and since cutting out gluten products i dont feel bloated and uncomfortable. the therapist told me that i probably would not notice any difference for a couple of weeks but to be patient....the benefits will soon be more than evident.
to be honest, if you decide not to eat wheat based products your diet wil be limited and will not include bread, pastry, biscuits cakes etc...and if you cut out refined sugars then sweets chocolate etc are out.....and weight loss is inevitable.
My fibro isn't changed by anything I cut out but my IBS is... I found out sorbitol aspartame and phenylalanine cause my IBS to flare up so I now avoid all drinks with these in and haven't had a problem in months
Hello grumpy,i think i have lost the plot on food allergies,when i go and see my doctor i will ask about food.I have just logged on by chance ,do you know i feel like i've been run over by a bus,i feel terrible.I think i'm in for a great night.jacksiex
Apparently the best and most natural sweetner to use is TRUVIA because its made from the leaves of some plant. They do a regular jar & sachets for adding to tea/coffee /cereal etc and a packet specifically for baking with but I've yet to come across the baking one in any supermarket.Like many sweetners it isn't cheap but if for personal use it lasts longer than if the whole family uses it.