hi , Have been thinking I might try gluten free diet ,been reading how it can help with Fibromyalgia symptoms . Does anyone follow a gluten free diet and has it helped.
gluten free: hi , Have been thinking I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
gluten free

Not for me, the only diet that helped was cutting out any processed foods and refined sugars. Unless there is a specific reason for going gluten free personally I wouldn't cut gluten out particularly as I am diabetic and whole grains and fibre are important for me. There is also some medical proof that cutting out gluten can lead to cardiac problems. Lots of debates on line about whether to go gluten free or not and the pros and cons. It can be quite expensive if one buys gluten free products. It's a personal choice, nothing to lose by trying it as we all know what works for one person with fibro may not work for another.
I have a gluten /wheat intolerance that affects my ibs symptoms - but being gluten free makes no direct difference to my fibro symptoms (although if I do eat wheat and my ibs flares, then I usually get a fibro flare too)
Gluten free is a tough and expensive way to live. I did it for a year and it didn't help my fibro. As dinkie says above, we can't seem to win but anything is worth a try if you can stomach it and afford it! Best of luck with it x
hi thornthorpe I have taken all sugars and refined sugars out of my diet and it’s helped considerably I’ve noticed less flare ups and it’s also helped with my weight loss. It’s a very hard one especially if you love your cakes and biscuits but I’ve been on it since January and really do find it beneficial. I allow myself a square of dark chocolate but can honestly say I don’t miss all the other sugary foods. I’d rather feel 100% pain free
You bet it's helped! For years and years. And giving up milk and cheese on a docs advice and above all yeast which negative tested massively in an electronic sensitivity test. Also oats which contains avenin which also don't suit because I ate too much of them as a teenager maybe. My nice lady Doctor suggested low fodmaps too a few years ago and I do that fairly often. Monash University have a big website for it. Not relevant maybe but I also get migraines eating some meats because of phenylalanine and tyramine and lots of meat products contain wheat etc. So what can I enjoy? ... Currently hooked on King Oscar skinless and boneless mackerel in olive oil. Yum but possibly a bit much olive oil which can provoke a sort of uncomfortable detox. There are frozen gluten free fish fingers available which are ok. My cat insists I get them so she can eat the fish bits. One or two of the insides make a reasonably priced meal for a cat!
If you do stop having gluten, test it out sometimes by eating some and feel the result. Years ago my daughter in law attended a family party where gluten sensitivity was 'not believed' in or catered for. Unfortunately for the hostess, she had a little cleaning job to do when my d.i.l threw up outside the door of the in use bathroom!
Can recommend 'Pain Des Fleurs Crispbreads' when you want gluten free for a special occasion but otherwise you'll be well catered for by Genius etc if you can take yeast. More than you wanted to know but hey ho! I do happily enough being gluten free. Just sometimes crave marmalade on toast. See if you can get a properly conducted test for gluten and coeliac where they actually you are told to eat wheat beforehand. Good luck! Happy eating! I'm going to toast a 'Genius Gluten free pancake' now.
Hi, I went wheat free (not completely gluten free) and it really helped my IBS element of Fibro'. I do now eat wheat with caution, and not very often. Cutting out dairy was much more impactful for my joint pain and inflammation. I re-introduced small amounts of goats cheese/yoghurt which seems ok. I did do food intolerance tests but they were expensive and I'm not sure totally reliable.
I would definitely proceed with caution and try and replace/eliminate things gradually so you can get a good picture of what the effects are. Good luck!
I have a bad gluten intolerance, if I lived in Scotland I would be classed as Celiac but in England I fall just short! I therefore don’t have gluten… EVER!! This has made no difference at all to my Fibromyalgia symptoms and I suffer with Fibro really quite bad!
Ever since I came off amitriptyline seven years ago (and not on any meds apart from paracetamol) I paid for a comprehensive food allergy test. At the top of the red list (no no's) was gluten and dairy. So I first stopped taking gluten, then a few months later stopped 95% of dairy plus coffee, tea and alcohol (and minimal sugar intake). I can honestly say that for me it has really helped plus the icing on the cake was the chinese herbs my acupuncturist found that improved my well being. It has taken many years (had fibro for 18 years) to wade through various meds/diets/alternative remedies but feel I can now get through life with minimum (certain days are moderate with the occasional fibro flare) pain. Having come through the other side of menopause has vastly helped (my jumbled hormones fuelled the fibro pain). Take care
I'm G/F but it didn't help the fibro symptoms sadly, and beware of commercial gluten free bread being hard on the digestion!! Xanthum gum is a menace. Eating less carbs, bread etc and more veg and protein can help some systems. Certainly eating healthily will be a good idea. Do it for health not for the miracle fibro cure.