I went to see the podiatrist on Monday and while I was there pulled a muscle in my stomach. The podiatrist thought it was possibly a hernia and needed checking out. I saw the doctor on Tuesday and she said it was more likely to be due to the Fibro. Does anyone else suffer with this. I usually get it when I am bending down trying to pick something up but in this instance was trying to prove how hard I would find it if I had to cut my own toenails.
Tummy Muscles: I went to see the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Tummy Muscles

I've been having this ever since I had my son, over 23 years ago. I dare not reach down or the pain doubles me up. I have had exams and nothing was found. Doc said it was probably cramp, but didn't explain why it occurred
I get annoyed when doctors attribute things to fibro without doing tests to rule something else out. My old GP did exactly that to me, everything must be fibro or IBS. When my old GP left I was signed over to the other GPs lists and I had togo over for a medical as his new patient. He checked through my records and asked me was I still having trouble, trouble, it was getting worse. He offered to put a cam down as he runs the endoscopy clinic. I agreed, but I felt sure it would come back as nothing to worry about. How wrong I was. He told me ont he day that I had stomach and duodenal ulcers, stomach scarring indicating that this had been going on for a very long time and a Hiatus Hernia. I am now at risk of stomach cancer because of all this he said and it should have done years ago. So if this carries on for you I would push to have it checked out. I was ignored by my old GP for 10 years, and now the damge is well and truly done. Do not suffer hun, best to have it checked and find out it is okay than not have it checked at all and suffer later xxxxx
The trouble is I had a Barium Meal earlier this year which was clear but I might mention it in passing to one of the doctors I usually see.
sometimes when I bend over, there is a feeling of a muscle getting stuck and then turning over. This hurts for a wee while and then just goes away until the next time which could be days, weeks, or months away.There is at the time a large swelling under the sternum and that goes away for a while too.
Fibro is definitely a trip or adventure but it does get exhausted waiting for the next load of symptoms
When this happens, the relief when it goes is great however it does pay get someone to give a stomach a massage, soft at first and as you relax going deeper. I sometimes get the feeling that it has a lot to do with stress and we FM struggle-rs know all about stress. Remember the old saying " I felt as though my stomach was in knots " stress is a terrible thing and we have to learn how to de-stress ourselves, this is easier said than done , but with everything we go through it a out now and then.