Christmas is usually my favourite time of year but my spirit has been knocked out of me by the idiots at dwp. Had no idea that there was 2 groups, I was in work related and because my contributions ran out I have no payment since October I appealed to be put in support group. Have been told that because I am in neither group until my appeal is heard I am not entitled to any money. I am at my lowest ever, I was sat on my bed with all my pills and if my daughter hadn't come up the stairs I would have taken the lot. Have got an appointment with my gp on Fri morning but I don't think it will make any differance, and so low i spend all day crying and nothing my family or friends do makes any differance. Sorry to post such a miserable blog
Have had enough: Christmas is usually... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Have had enough

hello I am so sorry you are down it must be such a worry can you get any advice there is a website that you can get advice from cannot remember the name but I sure admin would tell you the name let us know how you get on on friday take care love beth x
It's not just Christmas is it although that's bad enough
Every thing is so expensive,, but you know it's only a
Day and next year you may be in a better place. Your
Family will understand I'm sure
Things will change for you it always does we go
Into these bad times and good times.
Some one will help you, you can't live on fresh
Air what about CAB can they suggest anything
Sweet heart I Jo it's bad but don't do any thing daft find yourself a solicitor that deals with welfare an benefits ,my fight with dwp has just started an I was advised to get one myself,good luck to you hunny Mick ,
how about contacting citizens advice Irishjools ? i am sure the best present your family could have is your company everyday, please tell your GP how depressed you have become as well, take care xx
Hello IJ, I am so sorry that you are having such a rotten time. Please make a list of everything that you want help with when you see your GP tomorrow and take it with you so that you don't forget anything. I know from personal experience that when I feel emotional I tend to lose focus when I talk to my own doctor.
The website that Beth mentions above is the works and pensions one where they offer advice on benefits and entitlements. Their free guides are available from our admin team Your local CAB team might also be able to help.
If you start to feel really down again, consider contacting the Samaritans who are always there to lend a listening ear
08457 90 90 90
Try to stay strong for the sake of your family. They need and love you! There is also usually somebody about on this forum if you need to chat. Take care and remember to let us know how you get on as we shall all worry about you! Jane x
jo.... talk to the samaritans u can do it on email and they do get back to u if u dont want to call them.... i have felt like u, but so glad i didnt my poor family would suffer so much... i can understand about the dwp i know there going to call me up soon and i worry everyday the postman comes... i get scared they will stop my money as that is what feeds my family.. its terrible how they can just stop ur money like this.... they seem to think we would just manage without it..... i am available to talk... if u private message me i would give u my mobile... dont be alone honey.... xx
Thankyou for all your lovely comments, am so very low at the moment that its hard to look forward. Have told hubby how bad I feel and he wants to come to see gp with me. Will let you all know how I get on
Bless your heart Irishjools! We all understand how you feel. It's especially hard at this time of year and you've had a lot on your plate to deal with. It's a good idea going to see your GP on Friday, as has been suggested, write everything down, pour your heart out, this is the time to do it. Your GP will understand, that's one of the reason they are there, not just for our physical health, but for all our problems and worries.
I am a great believer in counting our blessings, so draw strength from your family, they really need and love you! We all care about you here and want to keep up with how things are going for you. We will help and support you all we can every step of the way.
As Jane mentioned to you, if you need to off load, have a chat etc., then give the Samaritans a call. They are there just to listen, not stand in judgement - sometimes a problem shared is a problem halved.
Here is the info again for you or for anyone else who needs to speak to someone impartial, it can be very reassuring -
08457 90 90 90
Take care Irishjools, please let us know how you get on on Friday! Please feel free to private message Admin too if you need to talk privately here, we are always contactable and always only too happy to help you or anyone else who feels the need.
Sending you a hug (((hug))) xxx
Hi sweetie,
I was there just last week, sitting looking and talking to a bottle of morphine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ring samaratins, or your nearest MIND they will even help aleviate some of the DWP pressure.
there is ALWAYS an alternative to checking out permanently, honest! DONT STOP FIGHTING. Plz
Just sending you a (hug ) Try to hang in there and talk to your doctor about how you are feeling...maybe see if there is a charity that can help you out both for the here and now and for the help with benefits too... all the very best of luck.
All your family wants for christmas is you!
Thinking of you and hope you feel brighter soon Take care Hugs Della xxx
Its hard convincing some how ill we feel, but it feels like nothing is noticed. I felt very low last week, I have to survive because I have been through enough to give up. Make sure you tell the doctor and dont be smart and tidy they write down everything from appearance and attitude, I was too soft and excepted what they said but not anymore, I want my life to get better and if I dont stick with it, no one else will do it for me. Be strong, I havent got much money and I already made a lollipop tree, only cost £2 and it looks fab,.Take Care x
I felt so sad reading your story, but the more I read on, the more i knew I'm not on my own with the problems with DWP.. What is it with these people, can they realy be so many stupid people that work in one place, I ask my-self time n time again!!
Hi Irishjools. I feel so much of your pain and distress. I have suffered at their hands too. I applied and got ESA again after i failed my Atos work capability assessment and my appeal.I was told to go onto jobseekers but they made me feel even worse, mentally and physically and I ended up at the Drs sobbing my heart out and very depressed. he gave me a sick note for 6 months and the jobcentre closed my claim. No income at all then....PANIC.... So i applied for ESA again, not thinking for a moment Id get it, but I did. Eventually. It took 7 weeks, but it was backdated to when i claimed again. BUT... i live alone so they might tell you that your hubby has to keep you. But i wish you so much luck. give it a try, you never know.xx
Hi there
You should have been given the option to apply for Income related ESA, not just them stopping your money. Someone is not doing their job properley. You should apply fir it right away, they will most lilley give you the reduced rate but it is better than nothing. Chin up hun, we are all here for you xxxxx
Hello Irishjools, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Just popping in here to say hi and send you a hug for today!
Wishing you all the best for tomorrow, please let us know how you get on, take care. xxx
My heart goes out to you. I hope your doc sees the state you are in and does something to make you feel better.
The bit that got me is you said you had your pills and had it not been your daughter coming up the stairs you might have done something. Trust me, I know how it feels to be that low, I know exactly how you feel, but in times like this you have to think of your daughter. Can you imagine how she would feel coming into your room finding you on the does not bear thinking about. You need help and advice, like so many others on here........please use them, listen to them, they can help you.
There is some fight left in you, use that.
THinking of you x