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Pain, pain and more pain and I have had enough!

Carolinee71 profile image
9 Replies

Hi, I don't know if anyone else is suffering with the colder weather coming in.

I have had to increase my MST by 10 mg twice aday to 50mg of MST twice aday.. This was increased just over a week ago and was doing a bit better. Then I didn't really feel very well on Saturday but just put it down to, Christmas (and no not ready) and the colder weather. Then on Sunday, I woke up with the worst headache / migraine that I have had for a very long time. I also had a really bad neck pain, so much so I could not really move. As the day went on, all got worse and the pain spread to all of my joints. I know I have fibromyalgia but this is a really bad flare. It's now a couple of days later and although my headache has eased a little the overall , it is still all over and very painful. My back is so bad I am no able to move around very much.

I know I am feeling sorry for myself, but I can not control the pain, it is making me cry even after Oramorph . Nothing is touching the pain. I take 50mg MST twice aday, pregablin 150 mg at night and 75 mg in the morning

I am so fed up as I feel so ill with it

I can't get out to get the Christmas bits and time is running out.

Any body out there got any advice to make this flare pass in time so we can have a Christmas

Please help


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Carolinee71 profile image
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9 Replies
rosewine profile image

I can give you my heart felt sympathy as I am the same. I am putting it down to the weather as this time of year I am always at my worse it is like having the very bad flu but without the cold symptoms isn;t it. The other day I could not get warm it is as though my very bones had frozen and then I went very hot as though I ahd an extreme fever and I was frightened to move the pain was so bad. I had a lovely deep bath with handfuls of epsom salts last night and got into a lovely warm bed and even though I am still aching today it is not half so bad. I have also used some Musselflex with a very light massaging motion over my muscles across my shoulders, legs and arms and that also seems to have helped a bit.

If any one else has any suggestions I think we would both appreciate it.

Soft hugs and hope you have a better night.x

Carolinee71 profile image
Carolinee71 in reply to rosewine

Thank u, that's exactly how I tried to explain it. You could of put £50 notes all over the floor and I still would not be able to reach them. But no cold as of yet. I think I can hear rain, please no snow. I have taken all my meds and am lying here hoping beyond hope that something kicks in so the pain levels could go down a bit. If this lot doesn't help all I have left is lorazepam which would help the pain but might put me to sleep.

Do u think people will be affend end if I just send a card with money in for the teens, and for the little ones I can promise to get them whatever Santa missed, they get so much to open on the day.Will everyone hate me? I was meant to be going out with my daughter tomorrow to buy the last lot of presents. I really don't want to be a bah humbug, I normally make a big deal of Christmas . I think my daughters won't mind (18,21 girls) and I know my mum won't care, but my sister might along with her kids.

Don't know what to do. Don't really get on with her anyway and last time we spoke I said I had got my Blue badge her response was, you are not that ill, you will be better by Christmas anyway and isn't it time I went back to work and earn my money. I have always worked till I got ill. She however, never went back to work for some 20 odd years and last year was the first time and she only works part time against my 50 odd hours a week running a bookies

How easy it is to fall back into childish ways when pain is around.

Anyway I hope u r now asleep and can read this in the morning

Thanks again


rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to Carolinee71

Hope you managed to get a bit of rest over night and are feeling a bit better today.

I am sure the teens will be over the moon about having money as they can treat themselves to whatever they want. Nowadays they all seem to have so many things that it is so difficult to chose something for them. These devices always need a new app or add on and they can buy Itunes with money so I would think you will be their favourite present giver. Unless we definately know someone wants a specific thing we tend to give most people Amazon vouchers now as there is such a marvellous choice of things for people to buy and they can often get them at bargain prices.

I can't understand why people are so jealous about people who have got a Blue Badge. I am just below the stage where I could apply but my dear friend who is older than me has one and when I take her out it is such a Godsend to be able to park near to whereever we are going as it means that she has less walking to do so she can stay out longer. Occasionally she has forgotten to bring it and I can see how much the extra walking takes out of her and to be quite honest me.

50 hours a week is alot for anyone who is fit to spend at work let alone when you have something like fibro. It sounds as though your sister has had a sympathy bypass. I was always brought up to be grateful whatever anyone bought me however small and sometimes it is the smaller gifts that have meant the most to me. You are doing the best you can do under the circumstances so please don;t beat yourself up about not being able to do these things anyone with any ounce of compassion will understand.

Take care, soft

fibro10 profile image

Me too the pain I am in at this very moment my daughter is taking me shopping but I am finding it hard to concentrate as I am in so much pain and finding walking getting more pain full.and differ cult to get around then when I get home I am washed out medication is only taking the the top off the pain. so my sympathy go's out to you and every who is having the same problems as us. sweet dreams xxx

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Hi there, I can also sympathise with you as I have been having a very rough time with pain and trying to juggle meds around to get on top of it. I am almost sure it has something to do I with the weather as I am always much worse during the winter months. Like you I have cracking migraines, and where I have had spinal compression fractures I seem to experience a much heightened pain level with cold weather :o

I would urge you to go back to your GP and let him/her know that things aren't working for you and perhaps they can be of assistance to you, I really hope so.

I'm sending lots of positive healing vibes your way :-)

Foggy x

Carolinee71 profile image

Thank u everyone say such kind things and it seems they are a few of us who are having this flare. I am taking my bedtime drugs now and can take more ormorph at mid night.

I wonder if I can get away with taking the Oramorph every four hours till the morning. I know that will take me over the " no more than four doses in 24 hrs" I will be taking 6 doses. Surely that can't hurt. I can not even get to 4 hours, and have been crying out in pain for the last 90-100 mins or so.

I don't know what else the doctors can do.

I have had a couple of girls, knee surgeries which got badly infected, eptopic pregnancy which burst, and was bleeding out by the time I got to theatre and I would rather have those pains than this.

Anyway I really hope u r all asleep now, which after my meds maybe if will get to sleep too

Thank you all again, it feels like I have this quite strange extended family but I really do need the help u all give


TheAuthor profile image

Hi Carolinee71

I am so very sorry to read that you are suffering in this way, and I sincerely hope that you start to feel more like your usual self again soon. It probably is down to the change in the weather? But it is always advisable to keep a check on these sorts of things.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

fibro_why_ profile image

The cold has really been doing a number to me too. It sets in my bones and hangs out for so long that I fear I won't make it through the rest of the winter. The only relief for me is being in my bed with the heating pad. What kind of life is this for us ?! Please take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in your misfortune. Rest well, friend.

Guppy44 profile image

Hi Caroline

Hope you finally got off to sleep x the weather defo does play a big part in how we feel, my friend has fibrmo moved to Spain two years ago and my god the difference in her xx Don't really no what to say to you its awful when we get a bad flare up like you I would rather give birth to my 5 kids one after the other and holy moly the were bloody tough births :-( maybe have a word with your doctor it could be as simple as changing ur meDs xx and I think we are all up the bleeding walls over Xmas and as you no stress don't help us but it's only bloody natural for us to worry and especially this time of year xx If the people you love no about your illness then they will understand about presents there all that matters Caroline xx but I also no how upsetting this can be cause we feel so useless and no mother ever likes that feeling xx just no your not alone Caroline please god you will be feeling better soon xx

♡♡ Mary

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