Comments in brackets are my own.....
Things NOT to say to someone with a Disabling Chronic Condition:-
...But you don't look sick.... (Thanks i think!!)
...Everybody gets tired.... (What all day every day)
...Your just having a bad day... (Today, Tomorrow and the next day etc.)
...It must be nice not having to go to work... (Don't have a choice)
..If you'd get out more... (You gonna take me out)
...Your just getting older... (I know I look old but I'm not)
...If you'd get more exercise... (Find me a guy lol)
...It can't be that bad... (On a score of 10 ... it's 11+)
...It's all in your head... (How I wish)
...Your just depressed... (Already on Prozac)
...there are people worse of than you... (I know makes me cry)
...You'll just have to tough it out... (What like old boots)
...You just need a positive attitude... (Yes,Yes Yes, I know, doesn't work)
...This, too, will pass... (How the hell do you know?)