How is it possible to feel so ill and... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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How is it possible to feel so ill and be in so much pain and no-one can help?

6 Replies

It feels like a slow, painful death with no end in sight - not feeling too good today as you can see.

6 Replies
Shatel profile image

I know what you mean Harvey02, I was only diagnosed a few months ago but if truth be told, if I really do have this condition then I must've had it for the last 29 years, since a road traffic accident I had that left me with a leg injury that has affected me all my life. It does seem so unreal too, that now so much more has been learned about this, there is still not much that can be done to help, as we all suffer very differing symptoms. I must admit though, that on my very bad days - and I have been having more of them this last few months - I still cannot get my head around Fibromyalgia being the cause of all this pain and discomfort and as you say - no end in sight - and cannot help wondering if its something else that might be being missed. Sadly, I have seen 4 GPs in our practice with different things at different times and it was only a couple of months ago that one of them suggested this.

Anyway, on a positive note, I am a newbie on this site and I have found it informative and supportive and even on a bad day, there is always something that can make me smile. So keep reading.......

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to Shatel

Welcome to the site Shatel, they are a wonderful bunch here and I hope you enjoy the blogs too. Oh and if you type in poetry corner in the search bar you will see how some of us put a lighter look on it, some a more serious side and it really gets through how it affects us all xxxxx

in reply to Ozzygirl64

Here's the link to Poetry Corner for some light relief -


Ozzygirl64 profile image

My GP told me the fibro is down to a chemical imbalance in the brain, apparently this sends mixed signals on pain levels. If they do not know what the imbalance is they cannot really treat it. They can only treat the pain it produces but not the imbalnce that causes it. I stand corrected if I am wrong. After 26 years myself(diagnosed after first 4 years) I do get days where it feels like I am dying a slow and excruatiatingly painful death, but then I say, fudge, fibro is not a death sentence, just slows you down a bit. I play that down by telling myself I am just doing it now from age 22 to now age 47(48 next month) to save doing it when I am a pensioner, by then I will be fully aware of how slow I am xxxxx

chambers profile image

Hi if this is a chemical imbalance to our brains i would like to know have you had a hysterectomy i have and i know a few people on this site who have , could that be the answer why we have fibro xxx

Hi Chambers, no I haven't had a hysterectomy and I've had ME/Fibro for nearly 14 years now.

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