Hi. I started on sertraline back in December and have now been put on amitriptyline now I have been diagnosed im on 100mg sertraline and 10 mg ami to take at night. I am not sure whether I should be spacing my sertraline away from ami or really it doesnt matter I tend to take things at night so any side effects dont effect me during the day. But not sure if this is the right thing to do. I am also du to increase ami to 20 mg put worried I will be out of it in the morning which I camt be as I have two kids to get to school and nursery then myself to work!! Help please if you can
Sertraline and amitriptyline combi ho... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Sertraline and amitriptyline combi how should these be taken doctor not much help!!

Hi there trayb, how comes you are on both, as they are both antidepressants, I would have thought he gave you the sertralin in place of the amitriptyline , are you on any other meds, ....gentle hugs,,,Dee x
I started on sertraline in december following a serious decline in my health and finally gave in and went on them in hope my symptoms would improve I finally got diagnosed with fibro in feb. I went to the docs on wed and he gave me ami to take at night starting with one tablet increasing to two after three days. I asked if I should reduce or stop taking sertraline and he told me no to carry on!! I confused enough but now I am really confused I dont want to overdo the anti d I hate being on them. But he said should help with the pain!! I dont know what to do!!
Morning trayb, if confused go back and explain how you feel to your GP, he's right they are good for pain, I take the sertraline, plus tramadol, gabapentin and cocodamol as a back up, your doc could well be right, try them and if you don't like the way they make you feel go back, and ask for something different, I do feel at least one antidepressant a day is a must for us fibro sufferers, used for pain relief. I'm so sorry if I have confused you, I just thought that maybe two different types of antidepressants may make you sleepy, but worth a try if the doc says so, could work, ....hope you get sorted soon, keep us posted as to how you get on...gentle hugs....Dee xx
Hi trayb1301
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I am so sorry to read that you have been left with a sense of confusion about your medications. I have pasted the NHS website link and the patient.co.uk website link below for you, as they give you all the information about the drugs and what their differences and / or similarities are:
I genuinely hope that your medications work well for you, but if they do not I would return to discuss the matter with your GP. If you get very tired or lethargic on your medications, there is an alternative called 'Nortriptyline' that is very similar to Amitriptyline, but it does not contain any sedative. This may be worth discussing with your GP?
I was also wondering if there was a different GP at your surgery who you could visit? Who may be a little more Fibro aware? I do not know if you have any referrals to either a pain management clinic and / or a rheumatology department? As these may also prove beneficial.
I have also pasted the FibroAction link below for you as you may find this useful:
Please keep us all up to date with how you get on?
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
I take duloxetine in the morning and amatripyline 25mg in the evening. Hth x
I was advised to take Sertraline in the morning and Amitriptyline about 2 hours before bed time for pain and assist sleep.. I can hardly function on 10 mg Ami .. Am zombie mode for ags in the morning.. I cut it in half.. It's a bit better but can forgo some of the pain relief doing that... Over the years I have ' managed' my own dosage... You may get the 'feel' of doing this yourself.. But obviously I can't advise.. Just tell you my experiences with it
Take Care
Wendy xx
Hi Wendy lulu take your amytriptalene as early in the evening as you can and you will find you won't be as foggy in the morning - I take mine 30mg around 7.30 as I found like you taking them later is no good for morning fog. Hope this helps. 😘🤗
Hi again
Forgot to say.. I changed to Nortriptyline.. But.. Still drowsie for few hours in the morning... But as I mentioned.. That's me.. It's different for everyone.
Definitely get more sound advice from your doc.. It should have instructions on the packet..
Best Wishes
Wendy xx
Hi Trayb I am on both I take ami 50mg every night and have done for several years too reduce muscle spasm in my neck ans back I take at 8pm every night and am ok in the morning I also tags 50 of setraline every morning I start work at 8am and normally up at 6.30 I don't find it a problem . I went to drs for repeat saw I Dr I haven't seen before he did ask if I felt hungover in the mornings when I said no he didn't comment anyfurther best thing you can do is try it out on wkend there must be other options and as per previous advice ho back if your nog happy and discuss further .. by the way I drive to work as cannot walk very far and Dr checked out with dvla for me and it is ok as fat as they are concerned hope this helps sending you gentle hugs xxx Karen
Hi everyone I take sertraline 100 mgs in the morning and 150mgs of amitriptyline at night it works for me maybe you should try it this way
Thanks all I know everyone is different but im a newbie to all this dont want to mix things up and cause me to feel worse than I do now xx
Hi there thank you for your advice. I'm a newbie at all of this dont want to be worse than I am now xx
I have the same 150 sertraline and 20 ami per day. I find at if I take hem around 5pm then I don't get foggy in the morning. any later and I have trouble waking up x
Hi, I've been on Ami 25 mg for a long time now they don't affect me at all I take them at night to help me sleep, although doesn't help that much. I've never been given the sertraline does it help you much?
I take 200mg of sertraline for depression in the morning and 20mg amitriptyline in the evening as a muscle relaxant for a muscle tightness in my TMJ. It seems to work well and am never spaced out even when I'm up for work around 6am. Hope this helps
I'm on 200mg sertraline & 50mg amitriptyline & I take both at night with 50mg of pheneghan, so you will be fine
Hi Trayb ask your pharmacist too explain what your conditions are - they can help with these things and if they feel you shouldn't be taking two different meds at once then they will advise you as to what to do. Hope this helps take care. 😘🤗
I take 10mg Amitryptiline with 100mg Sertraline at bedtime with co-drydemol for arthritis pain, Sertraline for depression. This combination works well for me and I sleep well now. No side effects during the day.
I am on 200mg sertraline in the morning and 200mg amitriptyline, I have to take the amitriptyline by 6pm on I am a zombie otherwise til 5pm!!!
This is apparently the best two drugs for pain control along with Tramadol 100mg x4 daily and 1000mg paracetamol 4x daily - Americans are really following the cause for us to be pain ?FREE?
If you can get I.V. paracetamol it is better than morphine !!
Glucosamine is helpful try zipvit.uk -cheap and reliable.
Good luck...
We have a diagnosis - so