Why oh why can I never sleep...I have a course in the morning and then work in the afternoon and still I'm sat here after trying to go to bed at 11 with hubby and then finally getting up again at 12.15...I've tried reading and even counting imaginary sheep and still night after night i end up sat here listening to the clock ticking away.....
Sleep: Why oh why can I never sleep...I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Almost 2am, and I can't sleep either. Glad I am not the only one out here. I came down to get my ipod and a cup of hot chocolate. I have some atmospheric music on the ipod so hoping that will help me to drift off to sleep. I might get a hot water bottle too, hailstone is lashing against the window pane and the temperature guage says minus 8.
Hope you manage to get some sleep before it is time to get up again - and not throughout your course tomorrow, or at work instead.
Gentle hugs
Em xx
went back to bed and clock watched..now 5.55 and I think I slept an hour max...I feel awful as I also have a sinus type cold and tatally feeling sorry for myself. I should do as doc wants and go on Amitriptolene as he says it will help with my sleep though I had a bad time when treated for PND in the past with the same drug.
I got to day off yesterday to try to be well for today and I really have to go in...just hope I can cope.

I have had Amitriptyline for years I was given it for a bad back as I have two small curvatures one in the small of my back and my coccyx is not were it should be it goes over to the left.I was told that was the cause of my pain although they could not understand why I had all the other pain and all they other thing's we get with FIBRO..I now have Amitriptyline.150mg and slow release Tramadol 100mg at bed time usually take 100mg Amitriptyyline doctor said I could take the 150mg when pain was really bad but no more. I had my Bunion OP on Sunday and I don't knoe what I would have done with out it.I have been taking it at 9pm and have been asleep before 11pm and sleeping until 6am or7am .Before I started on this medication I would be sitting on the side of the bed most of the night waiting for morning to come so I could take some more pain killers . So give them ago they really help me sleep. Sending you a gentle hug I know just how you feel xx
Im awake to it drives me mad x
So glad I'm not alone....I really don't think this lack of sleep helps with my current mood and things I have going on atm....I did have a small glass of southern comfort the night before and slept really well other than a whole clothes change halfway through the night due to current night sweats....
Hi mumof5
Grrrrrr i'm not sleeping either; went to bed around 11:30 and think at most ive had 1hours sleep like you my sinuses have flared up and the pain in my cheeks and mouth plus the inability to breath properly have all combined to make my sleep fractured and mymood low. God knows il be a rite auld grump tomorrow!! People beware lol
Hope you get through your day
Take care
Dixie xx
I'm on an Alzhiemers carers course in a few hours and then work a few hours after that...I want to go to bed now though know I can't..daft thing is I can sleep pretty much at any point during the day...have even been known to fall asleep while in docs waiting room lol..I think its not helped that I have had lots of breathing issues at night which have scared the hell out of me...I have a sleep study on the 9th which is a joke as chance would be a fine thing.
All my top teeth hurt with my sinuses atm and its nasty...I can breath as I have been using steroid ampules in my nose for 5 weeks which have opened up my airways a little more also taking singlar for my airways...I too feel really grumpy.
You take care too x
Hi Hun you are not alone I have been clock watching too - dont the hands move slowly-
No southern comfort for me it really doesnt mix with meds and the meds are a nessisary evll - oh I canot spell today-
more coffee have a good dy xgins
I actually slept when I had little help the other night., not the norm for me however wish I had again last night as today I am wacked and a heavy day ahead too...I would get breakfast but my teeth hurt too much to eat so it may be readybreak for me today...coffee sounds good, will get hubby to make me one before he heads to work x
Hi evry1, I'm the same...sinus trouble the last month, 2 lots of antibiotics, originally slept 18hrs a day, now only sleep between 7am n 2pm. Tried staying awake all day n I got a migraine...I guess our body clocks are in a parallel universe!
Amitriptyline may help sleep Initially but it soon wears off. Meditation n self hypnosis does work consistently n is good for you.
Sweet dreams, whatever time of day....or if you're lucky, night!
I have chronic sinusitus so you all have my sympathies. I have to shove that disgusting Nasonex spray up my nose everyday (tastes disgusting), doesn't make much difference cos I'm still bunged up. Don't know about anyone else but every now & then my sinuses suddenly decide to clear themselves often causing me to start gagging.
Mind you when they're really bad it's a good excuse to go for a curry or a nice chilli shredded beef as I find the spices/chilli help.
I was still awake in the wee sma' hours this morning & entertained myself making some Christmas presents while I waited for the sleep fairy to arrive! I was put on new meds the other day (Baclofen for muscle spasms) but although it says may make you drowsy it's not happening for several hours & right now I feel ready to go back to bed - I normally take 30/500 Co-Codamol too but not sure about taking them with the Baclofen - must check with Pharmacist.
I too have such fatigue and count the hours going by. Just sooooo tired and discouraged. I've been given 25mg.amatriptaline to see if it helps. Its to help with pain also, but not much help.
The nights are so long, I made bread one night last week. I could do all my housework but don't want to wake the family. I have tried making myself get up in the morning but end up feeling really ill, and I still don;t sleep at night. Luckier than a lot of you fellow sufferers, as I am retired now.I take 150mg of amitryptyline, which is the highest dose I can take for fibro, according to my doctor, I think it helps with the pain a lot, and codiene when I need it.
Try to get a bigger dosage from your doctor englishmama0, mine looked it up so I guess he is correct.
I was the same for years, Amitriptyline helps me now, not every night but mostly and Ive noticed that if i waken up I can get back to sleep whereas I never could before.
Good luck
Hi peeps I have sleep problems aswell I to can nod of in unlikely places in the car at the Drs Dentists or on the sofa. I'm fine if I take my amitryptoline on an empty tum they will knock me out for a few hour's 8 till around 1 if I'm lucky then its toss an turn can't sleep on my right side due to pain started to get it on my left can't sleep flat can't win, my mum used to sy if we were horses we would have been put out of our misery years ago. but we're not so we struggle on not looking forward to tonight if you read my blog you'll see why don't want to moan on again but as I have a new patch on antihistamine nose spray ouromorph other meds yet to shovel down my neck maybe just maybe tonight will be the night when I get more than a few hour's kip.
I hope you guys manage to get some sleep tonight. Well I got so engrossed in writing this for you lovely peeps I almost forgot to take off my old patch not that it would have mattered much as it's expired but it would confuse me as to which was the old and I get confused enough without that so now its sorted I will say hope you sleeptight big gentle hugs and ttfn. Sithy
i too have trouble getting to sleep and stayng asleep.mainly from pain and discomfort in ribs and abdomen.had some hospital tests today and its poss i ahve angina on top of everythign else but am going to have anotehr CT scan in next couple of weeks butit doesnt expalin my rib pain .,i least i could catch some sleep on the 90minute bus journey to hospital.i am fortunate i can sleep in the afternoon to catch up and to get through the day.
Hi mumof5
Just a suggestion that helps me but have you tried relaxation tapes or on your i-pod. I meditate to sleep every night, I am like a baby without its dummy if my battery is low on i-pod and can"t use it, it helps me. Does"nt have to be anything too deep, sometimes just listening to soft music sends you off to sleep but some of the Medication C.D"s are excellent when they use breathing techniques to help you sleep!
Wishing you a peaceful nights sleep. X