Does firbo affect heart rate pulse etc - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does firbo affect heart rate pulse etc

marzy profile image
8 Replies

I finally went to see GP about this on Thursday and he changed some of my meds and is going to sort out a 24 hour ECG as pulse was soo fast (even after just sitting for 30 mins waiting quietly to see him). Sometimes when I am just sitting my heart starts racing away and occasionally it make me feel a bit sick and dizzy (like yesterday getting off a packed tube on my way home from work) Luckily a lady noticed and took me up to the mainline train station and found me a seat near where my next train would leave from.

Its all so weird to get used to



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marzy profile image
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8 Replies

Your medication can make a difference some times

My BP tends to be very low but I know it my medication.

It just may be one of those things, don't worry

To much an ECG will tell your doctors what

Is going on or maybe it happens when you

Are stressed I will not go on the tube as it

Makes me very stressed. I know you said that

He was going to give you an ECG, for 24 hours.

But did he do a ECG for you and if so what did

It show

I have read that fibro can effect the heart some times

But I have never met any one who has had a problem

Celticmoon profile image

I have just been referred to check an irregular heart beat that I've had for some time (I've had fibro for years although no "official" diagnosis 4 separate consultants & my GP all agree). GP says that it could "premature ventricular contraction" and that this is sometimes found in people with fibro - although as we all know fibro doesn't do "usual... usually!!!

I wore a heart monitor for 10 days for them to diagnose this after a few episodes of fainting/nearly fainting and just (Friday) had an ultra sound to check all my arteries as I had an aneurysm in one of my pelvic ones but this hasn't got worse and my other arteries are fine, including the big aorta artery so that was a relief. The aneurysm and irregular heart beat are most likely unrelated though I think.

Basically I get 3 - 4 hard beats of my heart that are slightly fast, then a gap that would fit between 2 - 3 of those beats then another 3 - 4 of the strong fast ones - they are really noticeable and I can "feel" them in my throat and because they seem so loud to me often wonder if others can hear them!!! This can make me feel breathless and a bit "spacey" but is (I believe) otherwise harmless. This doesn't seem to change when I have caffeine but certainly reacts to stress (for that read ESA & DLA assessments!!!) It will keep me awake at night when it happens when I'm trying to get to sleep. However I sometimes check my pulse when I feel OK only to find that it IS happening and that I've just not been aware of it... Perhaps I've just got used to it over the years.

My husband strangely enough has the same condition but his is, I feel, worse. He is now on tablets to stabilize and regulate his heart rate, which is greatly affected by even the smallest amount of caffeine - he really cannot tolerate caffeine in anything no matter how small. He has a very stressful job - and me to look after (!!!) - but the tablets help no end.

One of my sons has what I would call a "slippy" pulse, which is somewhat similar but doesn't have the strong beats to it. So I wonder if this a "new" condition for you...? Or have you maybe always had an irregular pulse that you perhaps just weren't aware of?

My son has always had this. I discovered it as a baby (being a neonatal nurse) I always used to take their "normal" pulse rate/temp so that I could compare this to when they were poorly and discovered very early on that he had this really noticeable irregular slippy pulse while the other two were very regular, steady heartbeats. I guess we're just all different!!!!


I hope that helps...?

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Don,t know if it's a symptom of fibro but I have in the last year reacted very nastily ( to me) to caffiene have had to cut down to one cup of coffee a day and no other drinks that contain it or my heart seems to beat very hard and fast (for me) it's a horrible feeling... just having one cup of coffee a day sorts it out completely .. I do occasionally feel like my heart skips a beat I feel like I lose m breath completely .. Bit weird.. But it's been doing that very occasionally for aout 12 years so I guess it's nothing serious.

VG x

kilts profile image

Hi there

I have fibro and for 3 months my heart is too fast I've had the 24 hour tape done just waitin on results .i was told its automomic dysfunction sometimes happens in fibros. Thanks Michelle

marzy profile image

Hi. A bit late I know, but thank you for your answers. I think what you have all said really makes sense and many of the circumstances you related to your experiences have also been mine.

I can now worry less about it and get on with other stuff.



theshadow profile image

Mine is very fast, 108 beats at rest! turns out I have Graves disease, auto immune system attacking my thyroid as it thinks it's an enemy. This causes rapid heartbeat, muscle weakness, shaking, & depression. Most of those are Fibro symptoms, so wasn't picked up for a while. Just started "taking the tablets" so hope I will feel better in a month or so. Have you had yours checked? x

Please click on the link below which will take you to our main site where there is an article on

Autonomic Dysfunction in Fibromyalgia Syndrome where it mentions rapid heart beating, palpitations etc -

Mightysore profile image

I am not sure whether fibro can affect heart rate or not, but let me tell you a little bit about me. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in February 2014. I also have Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis, both diagnosed in 2003. I was forced to retire from my nursing career in the NHS by Occupational Health, following 2 fractures in my spine. My arthritis has become much worse over the last few years, and the pain I suffer is now even more severe because of the fibromyalgia.

I have 2 children, a daughter of 25 and a son of almost 22. Shortly after giving birth to my daughter in 1991, I experienced bouts of palpitations and a very rapid, wildly irregular pulse. These episodes always happened when I was in bed at night and they wakened me. They were not related to any exertion during the day. I went to my GP, who I am sure thought I was imagining things, that was until she checked my pulse, and found it to be irregular. She referred me to Cardiology at the hospital. After a 24 hour ECT, then a 7 day ECG, the conclusion that was reached was that I suffered from a condition known as Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. This was the reason for my pulse rate of nearly 200 and all the palpitations. I was told that giving birth may have triggered the condition and that it would eventually go away. Lo and behold, it did go away and until just a few weeks ago, I had no more episodes of palpitations or rapid, irregular heart rate. Then the palpitations returned with a vengeance! This time, I also had severe chest pain, nausea, pallor and sweating, all signs of a heart attack. I had a GP appointment the following morning for something else, but I told the doctor what had happened the previous night. She did an ECG, and although my pulse was regular, it was very rapid with frequent missed beats. So now, I am being referred back to Cardiology! My mother suffered from Atrial Fibrillation, and nowadays the thinking is that a percentage of those diagnosed with Paroxysmal AF will go on to develop AF proper. I am now 59 years old, and I am worried sick as my mum was only 62 when she died. She had cancer at the time, but she collapsed in the house with severe chest pain, and her GP sent for an ambulance and she was taken to Coronary Care. By the time I got away from work and got there, she had had a cardiac arrest and been resuscitated. I don't want to travel the same road as she did.

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