I am in a dilemma about going to Florida in the Summer with my daughter, but I feel hesitant because I don't know how I am going to be and could just be ill the whole time there is the flight is going to be too much. Also, the cost of travel insurance could be prohibitive ... any ideas?
How does FMS affect travel insurance? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
How does FMS affect travel insurance?

hi. ive booked to go cypress, if you tell yr travel agent about the f.m. thay give you a number to ring to declair it....they add a bit more on yr insurance that you have to pay them over the fone...my extra bit was £27 on top of the normal insurance..i also have m.e. that i had to declair.....hope this is helpfull.xx
hi i would tell the insurance as you may be ill or want to come home but dont think like thay think positive and hopefully you will have great time love to you diddle x
hi in the usa it is really important to tell them all medical conditions x its important to get covered ... you may find being that you are not stressed and enjoying your self ,,, i went 2 years ago take your meds and all letters you may need from gp and hospital .. happy dyslexic hugs
Hi ive been away three times and book with direct travel yes tell nthem u have fm but you dont pay any extras but it is listed on your insurance cover, have a great time xx
Hi SuzieSparkle, I worked in medical Travel Insurance for 10 yrs until 2008.
My advice is to phone around to find a travel insurer that increases the amount of excess that you pay, rather than one that increases the premium.
Especially if you are intending travelling anywhere outside of Europe. That way you won't pay any extra unless you make a claim.
Then you will need to phone the number they give to declare medical conditions and declare absolutely every medical condition you have been treated for, in the time span they require (could be anywhere between 1 & 5 years) and any medical condition that is currently under investigation, or that you are awaiting treatment for.
You will usually need to tell them which medications you are taking, so it's a good idea to write a list before you call them.
send me a message if you need more help
hugs, kate