Yesterday I popped in to see the Nurs... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Yesterday I popped in to see the Nurse my leg was fit to burst...............

Ginsing profile image
7 Replies

I have a very swollen leg been like that for over a year, nothing anyone does makes it smaller. Well two weeks ago I got bitten by a bug and now my leg is running with clear fluid down it. The Nurse bless her things I may have an Ulcer coming so after packing my leg so it looks like it belongs to a Mummy she asked me to return for further test.

It does seem never ending all this marlarkie still very helpful bless them. I do hope we have caught it early enough .

Sorry to bore you all with this little sarga but it does show we have to take care of ourselves and make sure that even with fibro we keep on our toes (so to speak) check things out with your NUrse or Doctor early is better than late. Nip thing in the bud. We do not need any other things wrong with us.

Gentle hugs xgins

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Ginsing profile image
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7 Replies
Flips profile image

Poor Mummy gins :'(

I agree, we soldier on regardless at times like martyrs to fibro.....then pay the price, which isn't set in a diffinative 'fine'!

What we like eh?

Gentle huggies from (((xxx))) flips.

getactive profile image

Hi it sounds to me like you could have cellulitus If so you need strong anti biotics and sit with it elevated Hope you are ok Sue x

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Hey gins, it does sound like cellulitis, really hope it isn't... Hope it gets sorted soon ... A year is too long, here borrow my best grumpy face..... The one that doesn't crumple into tears... And demand it gets sorted

Hugs VG xx

Sounds horrid gins...I am glad that somebody is taking good care of you though. Some nurses might not have bothered. Take care of yourself. Jane x

julieevh profile image

Bernie Nolan came down with Cellultits last night .... so if you have it you have a celebrity fellow sufferer, I don't suppose that brings much comfort though!

Hope your leg gets better soon xx

irisjoy profile image

did she take any swabs Flips ? best wishes for a speedy recovery x

hippychick profile image

Yep sounds like cellulitis to me too. You need strong antibiotics, swabs taken, bed rest etc. I've got it coming and going the last few weeks, bugger won't get lost lol. Make sure you take lots of natural yoghurt too because anti biotics kill off the good bacteria in your stomach etc and then you can up with other problems as defences are down if you see what I mean :-)

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