Got my phone call on the 26th Oct saying I've been called in for a medical on the 5th Oct at 9am, but be 10 minutes early...Today I got the letter,I know this medical centre as I've been there before for DLA medicals but I could never sit down as the chairs are to low down for someone with back problems,so I rang the number I 've been given & asked can I bring my high chair ( which I got from the OT's at the hospital) I was told Yes,so I asked about, the medical been taped ,no they dont do that BUT if you want to get the proper equipment at your own expence you can...What,do they think I'm made of money ?? So this time next week it will all be over...My neck & back have already gone into spasm with stress, there is nothing I can do till its over.I'm picking up my GP's letter on Wednesday. And over the week-end I will be photo copying all the doctors reports and bring in the x-rays of a private MRI scan I had done because the waiting list on the NHS was 12 months!!
I WILL be wearing my support back belt plus my Tents machine plus the splints the hospital made for my hands. Thank God my daughter is coming with me.
I am scared sh1tless,I don't know what to expect and I was a nurse for 20 years,but its NOT a medical as we know medicals is it ? Its to see if I can work with a back injury back ,fibromyalgia,ostoarthritis, and a underactive thyroid....I know all I can know of Fibromyalgia, the website is very good.