hi, im new here so sorry if i bore you with my story,ive been diagnosed with: ME/CFS.FM,ARTHRITUS,and now been told my mri scan is bad and got to have a lumbar puncture and electrical tests done on my arms and legs,they think i also have cerebal vascular disease,and demyelination with in my brain,can any one please tell me whats happening to me, im worried about what ive got. if any one has had the same please let me know take care all x
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really enjoy this site it make me feel im not alone,in all i go through daily just wish there was a cure for us all....
Take it a day at a time.Ask everyone on this site if you want to know anything,we might not know everything but we'll try to help!Ask your GP to explain everything again,ask for a double appointment so you have a bit more time to take it all in.concentrate on what you have got ,not what you might have.
Take care x
Hi Babyboo. Yes I agree take it a day at a time. Don't go worrying about something that may never happen. Remember that there is lots of useful info on the website and also we are hear to listen and support you.
Piggle hugs xxxxxx
Hi i would go back to your GP and take someone with you who can listen maybe even take notes of what is said. hopefully the test dates come thro really quickly and you are given info on the best treatment , warm hugs x
Hi babyboo, I agree with all that has been said above. A double appointment with your GP is essential and do take somebody with you. Sometimes doctors assume we know more than we do and it is what we don't know that can scare us most. Ask the doctor to go through your results slowly explaining what support, medications and options will be open to you at each stage. If you are not clear, insist they explain again so that you do. My GP sometimes draws diagrams or finds pictures on their computer to explain things to me. I think I understand things better when they are explained like that.
Good luck and be sure to keep in touch with us here so that we can support you too. Jane x
Like every one else I wish you luck and courage . Do take some one with you and try and clarify what is exactly wrong , take your time keep asking questions it is you body your life good luck take care xgins
hi all, thank you all so much got my drs appointment on monday so will find out more,looked on internet and cv disease is all about stroke and heart problems and the demyelination is ms, so now more worried than before lol, will keep you all up dated thanks again love and cuddles to all xxxxx