Hi everyone.right this is a question for any fibro fighters from the uk.do any of u have a blue badge?and do any of you claim disability allowance?
Blue badge: Hi everyone.right this is a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Blue badge
Yes both. I got my Blue Badge first and went on to get my DLA (now higher mobility and low rate care) as well as ESA
Julie xx
hi yes i got a b;ue badge in may this year it took 5 days i just applied wrote out application sent a £10 cheque and 5 days later got it
i am not on any bebenfits like DLA/ESA thiugh i am on income supportwith a sickness top up love to you diddle x
hi yes I have a blue badge and higher mobility but that is all x gins
i just got my blue badge. i am on low dla carer and income support.i have fibro ,and arthritis you don't need to be on dla to get a blue. i downloaded a form sent all copies of medical reports and got my badge within 4 weeks. good luck.xx
I got mine last week. Was turned down initially but thanks to a wonderful member of fibroaction who helped me write a letter of appeal I went for a walking assessment and was awarded the blue badge for three years. You don't need to be claiming DLA to get one.
hi im on dla but dont have a blue bage yet not apiled for one but my farther dose and he has fibro but im mainly on dla becase i am sueisidal and my husband is mt carera has i have naily blow my self up with the gas cooker and singed all my hair we are curently trying for the higer rate has im unable to walk more then a few feet at a time and im only 29 you will fined it hard to get on it but if u get turned down for dla put in a review not an appel then if they turn u down for the second time u can then put in an appel but u only have so long to do this from the letter turning u down hope this helps
Hi unfortunately got turned down for both 4 years ago.Am currently struggling with a fibroflare and a husband who has had a hip replacement some two weeks ago.I am positive but have taken some celebrex( to try to help him and myself).No time is the right time but this has been caused by the stress of no aftercare backup since he was discharged on 23rd August,2012.Things will get better I know but we have to keep going.take care fibromates and don't worry its just a fibroblip which we all have.
Petra hun, please don't be offended but I think you ought to get on an try again. Get as much evidence together as you can in one place, like a file. Send letters or a letter and copy it to your doctor/s. And then get help filling in the stupid forms before they change them. You need all the help you can get by the sound of it. Don't give up. They believe if you give up you don't need it - rather than need it so badly you cannot get up the energy to do battle. Get angry, get determined, get help. Okay? Before things get even worse. And then send in a letter stating exactly what your life is like. Put it on a plate for them, they cannot see you and do not know you, so you HAVE to spell it out. All the best.
Thanks Sarah-Jane.I know I should reapply, I have been ill almost for the whole year(not so much with Fibro but with Legionaires Disease, a throat virus that lasted ten weeks and food poisoning from a ready meal.We have not been on holiday because I have been poorly, and the holidays that were booked we could not get compensation for i.e. the ferry and hotel accommodation etc.I realise I have no immune system and have remained POSITIVE throughout.I have been battling the last l5 weeks with my husband pre-hip op and now I am his arms and legs but only temporary I know.We have both had the flu since returning home from the hospital and as I said before with NO Backup or aftercare.ANYWAY, not going to dwell on the past.I will not give up its just that I have very little energy at present.My husband is normally a very independent person so for him to have these demands on me is quite rare.Thanks Sarah-Jane for putting me on the right track again re the DLA and blue badge.GENTLE HUGS TO ALL FIBROMATES OUT THERE.DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT.ALL THE BEST.
To answer the question I am asking as got diagnosed by a rheumatologist given a leaflet and discharge!no more info!!!!!just told that I am taking up valuable clinic time as the leaflet tells me all I need to know.he then wrote me a clinic letter saying I have fibro and me.not much help there.i am 28 don't want to have to continue struggling and this was suggested to me by a friend but didn't know how successful people were.thanks so much for all ur replays.i am positive about my fibro&ME but at the moment it is all becoming a bit too much.keep fighting everyone,u'll keep me going!

You don't live in Nottingham do you? Its where I lived when I was diagnosed and I had exactly the same experience. After the appointment, I sat on a bench in the hospital grounds and cried when I read the leaflet. Luckily I had a great GP and have another great GP where I live now. I also attend a local support group, its very informal but it makes a huge difference to be able to meet up and chat with people who understand... I shall be telling my friends there about this group when we meet next week!
I now get DLA but originally got my Blue Badge with the support of my GP.
Hi 'fibrofightbegins' try and stay positive because if you don't it is a downward spiral and easy to go there.
Make sure you have a decent doctor who firstly believes FM exists. If he/she doesn't ask to be referred to another doctor - maybe in the same practice or another. If you cannot face talking and asking, maybe ring the surgery and ask for a FM sympathetic/knowledgeable doctor. You have been diagnosed by a useless rheumatologist who is meant to know about FM, so maybe ask the hospital or your doctor to refer you to another rheumy who will be more helpful. Afterall they are meant to know about us and be able to refer you to a pain clinic, the physio therapist [I just asked my doctor and then the physio therapist for hydro therapy!]
Come on here for any rants you need to express and don't let them get you down.
By the way, I don't know how you are physically, but should you need a wheelchair - ask your doctor to refer you to your local hospital and in the meantime ask the Red Cross for a loan of one. If you need DLA for mobility you can claim for just that - I cannot walk further than about 30' so have the higher allowance which allows me to have a mobility scooter though I could have had a car [if I drove]. If you need help around the home, you can get a carers allowance too - but you must have medical evidence to make sure you get your DLA.
Please remember depression is part of FM so you have to battle against that too. You are welcome to message me directly if I can be of any further help.
Soft hugs, and welcome
DLA low level 0 mobility. sham of tribunal after 10 month wait and two refusals (appeals). Blue badge success after a megga form (local council) and 2 month wait. Well worth it
I'm not claiming either but I'm relatively sure that I have to be 18 to claim DLA and anything else
Beth x
Thanks sarah-Jane.i asked for another referral my dr will not do.changes drs once already to get to a diagnosis.the first dr said it was all in my head!!!!!!i do need a wheelchair as sometimes I cannot walk very far and it can ruin a day out.i feel like the dr and consultant do not listen they just think I moan!
Yes i got my blue badge first, then DLA lowest care componant and high mobitlity took me 4 attemps to get the mobility..xx