Its as I predicted when talking to fairy last night, stress of shopping was bad enough, but as i have this extremely painful and infected subasias sist must not forget that nastyp thing and after an extremely sleepless and painful night, where I was reduced to only one sleeping position my back every time I nodded off I would roll on my side which made the sist hurt like hell it probably helped clear some of it out, so that went on till around three am then I sat up for a while doing some more on another baby blanket its now about half done maybe more.
Doc said sist could be scweezed at every dressing change and so my hubby has that job and seems to like it as its something he can do for me even though it hurts like hell, but it does seem to be getting smaller which is good I won't tell you about the messy yuckness but it seems to be getting smaller or am I just trying to make myself believe it. It may get bigger as I sleep with me being on my back it pools anyway we'll see how it is tomorrow saying that me laying on my back makes it easier to see to it, ah well such is life, onwards and upwards, gentle hugs all round. Sithy