Well as I say a lovely end to my day just changed the dressing on my sist its healing lovely but now it looks like I'm getting another one on my left boob I can't win at moment wonder wats next they say they always come in 3's. Sithy
What a lovely end to my day - Fibromyalgia Acti...
What a lovely end to my day
Ohh no, not another one. Get to the doctors as soon as possible and get some antibiotics, now you are getting a second one ask for doctor what is causing them - 2 is a bit too much of a coincidence.
Julie xx
Your tellin me got hubby ringin in mornin for an appointment
My boobs are covered in scars because I went through a phade of having one or two every week. Doctor palmed me off with antibiotics & cream & told me its was maybe because my breasts are too big. I was'nt to happy at that remark.
I went through a very long phase of this and it was absolutely awful. Docs were very good and investigated each one as there is a history in my family. My doc told me that it would improve once I was through menopause. She was right but my menopause was late and the psychological scars remain. I was told it was because my breasts were too small!!!! x
Lol they told you yours where too small & I was told mine are too big lol.
I am going through menopause but thats never been mentioned to be.
Are you left with scars on boobs?
Luv & Hugs
One tiny one but most of my cysts were aspirated (needled). I also had a fibrodoema that was surgically removed, hence the scar. it was only the one doc that suggested I would be better after menopause and I suppose all the hormonal upheaval the body goes through pre menopause would account for this. Make sure you do get them all checked and do not be fobbed off. At the beginning I met a strict ward sister who told me this, she had 'fibrocystic disease' hesrslef and knew what she was talking about.