I wanted to know, does any one else h... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I wanted to know, does any one else have trouble remembering things.

Morning sicknote, remembering things - what was the question oh yes right I find it increasingly hard to remember things. I will be in the middle of a conversation and I will find it hard to recall names place names facts figures infact you go totally blank! Sometimes things pop back later sometinmes not.
I make lists particularly if seeing a GP so I get every thing right. Then It does not always work. So you are not alone it is part of Fibro Fog we all suffer ---------- What was I rambling about oh yes can be difficult all in same boat hugs x gins
Gibs .. Ohps sorry gins forgot name hehe he sorry hard to resist.
Seriously though i always get tongue tied jumble words etc and all as you say,
But strangely my hubby was chatting one day and something came out of his mouth jumbled (never happens) i turned and said goodness must be rubbing off so we laughed, but it touched a nerve as it made me think good god is that how bad i am how do my family cope with seeing all this everyday and some worse than others.
But lighter note so sorry everyone forgot what was doing then eeek xxx
hi sicknote, yes its the fibro, that was one of my first problems my memory started to give me problems along with tmj, and that was 8yrs ago approx, then all the rest followed, pain fatique, sweats spasms, pins and needles restless legs, head pain, blurred vision, ibs. to many to list, lol... depression, and cam't stand cold,or to hot, so in all a big change in lfe, oh i forgot it hasn't got my sense of humour yet,lol... sorry to dampen your day tc love soma x
All i can say is yes yes yes soma
A lot of things came snow balling last year at me when neck went and MrI showed results its either repeats or new or worse and the jaw omg the face i am having now its so cruel!!!
Its damp and wet here and need i say more burning, stinging throbbing .
xx but so
i met you lot
Hi sicknote, oh yes, and i feel so stupid because of it, and it doesnt help when people say ''altzeimers'',I get all the above, I just wish they would read about it and understand it, but even though i have given them information, its like they still dont believe me,that its not as bad as i say it can be. And this makes me so angry and frustrated...
i do this all the time and trust me i work with dementia and we r nothing like them, but yes i also feel like people think im a fake, the work i do is really hard with fibro and i don't know how much longer i can keep up, but cant afford not 2 work, no wonder we get depressed, no one on here will ever disbelieve you. chin up x
What did you say sicknote ?? Lol
Yeah very short term is bad!!
I have been doing some of my customers for 8 yrs regular as clockwrk and i STILL have to take my diary for each day!!
Tel numbers , mobile numbers i was well known for glimpsing and remembering! Now not a clue and do not know daughters or hubbys which is sad as everyone used to say 'gosh cant remember my own' but i had like photographic memory that way.
I can NEVER remeber where phone, keys ( wheres ma keys wheres ma phone) sorry lol my sense of humour.
I forget constantly leaving keys in running engine. (not good)
I forget where i park car. In a fuel station now i pay at pump as i come out scratching head where car is!!! Because cars drive in and out and confuses me . My daughter has had to shout me (i felt small but laughed a lot) i laugh rather than cry.
So many many things!!!!!
But cant remember lol
Even down to underwear!!! Say no more
Back to front, inside out did i just change them lol.
Foggy or what
Put cup of tea in fridge searching whole house
Hi Sicknote. I think most, if not all fibro sufferers have memory issues. I do certainly,and it is annoying and frustrating but can also be funny, if you let it be. You have to keep a sense of humour about it.Its become a joke with my family coz its been about 30 years of forgetting stuff for me. I proved the point at my appeal for ESA, when I looked blankly at the panel and said "sorry, Ive forgotten what you asked me", several times. (Still lost the appeal tho). But I worry that people will think I havent listened to what theyve said or Im not interested. Its bad when Im on the phone to someone who doesnt know me, coz I stop mid sentence to try to remember what Im talking about, and they think Ive gone!! Most people dont realise how many horrible symptoms there are with Fibro. I suppose thats why they dont believe youve got it, coz there are SOOO many things to cope with. "You cant POSSIBLY have all those things wrong with you". They are welcome to have my Fibro to find out!! So dont let it get you down, see the funny side of it.
Hi sicknote. I forget things on a regular basis and usually mid sentence. I find I forget names, places, the names of objects, names of my family, just about anything. Yes good old fibro fog strikes again. Do you take Gabapentin as the biggest side affect of that is short term memory loss. I too have to write everything down or I won't remember it for day's. My diary is my bible.
Hi, yes it is part of fibro-fog.It is extremely frustrating in the middle of a conversation to forget the name of the person, place or thing you are talking about, and yes things come out back to front and jumbled up. Fortunately my wife is pretty tolerant and waits patiently while I try to unscramble my brain. There doesn't seem to be much I can do about it exept laugh at myself. Luckily it doesn't happen all of the time only a lot of the time !
Because of other medical conditions and medication I only take 20mg of Amitriptylline at night and that has been reduced from 75mg and paracetamol when absolutely necessary. I tried pregabolin a couple of years ago adn one of the side affects I couldn't cope with was being in even more of a fog, didn't know at all what was going on around me. But everyone is different so you can try whatever is suggested and keep your fingers crossed it helps.
Best wishes
We seem to have so many different symptoms in common that would otherwise seem quite arbitrary, but with symptoms like short-term memory I do wonder how much is directly caused by fm, and how much could be a combination of fm + other factors we have in common, ie. use of strong pain killers, stress, exhaustion, + middle-age onwards many people start to get problems remembering things.
I used to have a very sharp brain and a memory like an elephant . For the last few years, since being diagnosed with Fibro my brain cells are like rats leaving a sinking ship lol.
Some days I struggle to remember my own name !
I know that it's not the meds for me because I'm only on Paracetamol and Ibuprofen , stress I have by the bucket load , exhaustion ditto and middle age hmmm possibly . I was only 44 when diagnosed and am 48 now , but my 76 yr old dad has a better memory than me !
My short term memory is dreadful these days, I used to be able to remember everything, I didn't need notes plastered round the house. I didn't need to write anything down. Now I leave notes to remind me to look at other notes lol! My long term memory is fine though.
Here is some info from our main site, please click on the link below -
"Cognitive dysfunction is a common problem with Fibro and is nicknamed "Fibro-fog". This can include difficulty in understanding something, difficulty in making decisions, memory loss, problems with concentration, difficulties in speaking coherently and remembering words and problems with typing or writing."
Funny you should mention long term memory Liberty. I can remember things from the past as if it were yesterday , but ask me what I did do yesterday and I couldn't tell you.
My house is now decorated with post it notes and chalk boards . I often get words mixed up ( the fridge, in my mind is now called the shed ?? ) , I'm terrible at remembering names , even occasionally calling my present husband by the name of my first husband who I haven't seen for 27 years !
I am exactly the same Helen! I can remember my ex and forget things that happened that were really important recently. At the moment we are moving house and I remember clearly where we lived years and years ago and have completely forgotten my memories in between. I call my children by all the wrong names. I even forgot my name once, incredible I know. Very frustrating. It shows the power or lack of in my case of the brain.
you are not alone it seems to happen to most of us but the worst thing is when u know that u know the word you are thinking of and cant remember it aaarrrhhh
Yes Duluxetine helps me alot don't know what id do without it.
Hey sicknote,
As expressed by others, you are not alone here. Reading everyone's comments makes me feel less alone. Even though I'm pretty lucky as I can just about function, it doesn't take away the frustration of forgetting and.. dammit- what was I saying?
oh ! That it doesn't take away the frustration of forgetting and not being able to find the desired word to describe something accurately - sometimes I even come out with another word with doesn't fully get across what I'm saying or can be used completely wrong in the context and I get funny looks (may I recommend the thesarus section in dictionary.com when I'm in this situation on here?). ..Or, I THINK I will be using the right word but it only sounds similar to what I mean. What else was I saying? Oh yeah, sometimes I even forget the meanings of words I used to use all the time. It really annoys when I confuse myself mid-sentance and trail off, I get some funny looks.
So that's me in the short term. But funnily enough, in the long term I actually have a very good memory. I can still remember dates of specific events that happened in my childhood & things others can't remember (like exact date our new telly arrived)- although the longterm memories Post-Fibro are poorer quality than the ones Pre-Fibro- I'm guessing because a common feature of this is impaired cognitive processing. People sometimes tell me I have a really good memory and inside I'm like 'Trust me, I don't, you don't understand'. As someone else said (I can't remember who-I'll go look..I can't find the comment) I worry that some people think I'm just disinterested (because my memory's not noticeably bad so it's a cause for concern, but enough to land me in hot water when I really need it working!). I also get annoyed with myself when I tell people the same story twice - sometimes I realise and stop myself - other times not. And I don't want people thinking I'm attention seeking and like to talk about myself all the time.
So yeah, it's taking me a good 20 minutes or so to write this (usually I don't leave in the comments such as 'what was I about to say' and just wait till I remember, but thought I'd leave them in to show you where I'm coming from and because they are appropiate for the context) and that's only at the mo, it's already been edited a few times for ya'all's sake- my thoughts were initially less organised. Though I think I'm doing pretty well today, being able to get this all down - oh BTW Cod liver oil is a godsend for anyone reading - since taking it, although my memory still plays up things are far more likely to come back to me. Getting enough sleep is important of course, I'm almost like my old self if I've had a good enough sleep.. and this may not help everyone, but taking Badger sleep balm (Boots) and camomile tea in the evening are natural remedies which really benefit me.
If I'm passionate enough about something, and want to remember enough, the likely thing is, I will (eventually), but I think I'm lucky because I had a good memory beforehand, and in some cases (long term) still can be. But considering I'm only 18 I worry about going downhill when I get older. My reaction time is appalling compared to other people my age..and just very occasionally I will not be able to understand of process something (it's like a mental block, ya know?) and will look intently at someone with a confused expression and they will stare back at me like I'm some sort of fruit loop! Once my aunty (either she isn't aware of, or doesn't understand this condition) once said to me Uh oh..that's not good, by the time you get to Granny's age you will be just sat there..dribbling' (obviously I'm paraphrasing, I'd never be able to recall the exact words, and my aunty has a unique sense of humour) when I told her I'd forgotton what I was about to say..Thanks, Aunty. But when my memory does let me down it's good to know that I can have a good laugh with you all on here. Besides, I've always been a rambler (though it's gotton worse), and I used to be 'away with the fairies' beforehand.
Speaking of rambling, this is getting longer and longer (and it's taking so long my feet have gone dead from being sat in the same position!)
It wasn't meant to be, guess I had a lot more to get off my chest then I first thought!
Take care everyone, and keep smiling.