Duluxotine here I come !!!: Hi all well... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Duluxotine here I come !!!

Homer profile image
11 Replies

Hi all well after some lengthy thoughts I've popped my first tablet !!!! I'm prepared to be off my face, dizzy and generally feel like ...p, anything else a bonus, they better be as good for me as doctor said, il let you know,

Nicki xxxx

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Homer profile image
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11 Replies
julieevh profile image

Is this drug named after a paint with an old english sheepdog?

Just wondered xx

Homer profile image

Good ole tin of paint yehh I reckon !!!!! :-) x

Fibrograham profile image

Hi. I`m new to this site. I have had fibro for over 14 years but finding more info about fibro it does seem I had it all my life but it did not come out until about 18 years ago. Going to my GPs and being put on painkillers and Amitriptyline and being told to deal with fibro.

Well I went down hill over 12 years. I got so low where I got to the point where I hated just having to go out shopping once a week as I would be so achy and in so much pain for days after.

To cut this story down I bit I spent months fighting the benefits and lost due to 1 point less than I needed. I got 14 but need 15. (although they did not give me a point for being worried about going back to work because of fibro)

My GP did not help with what she by saying I had not been to see her for 2 years although I have been taking meds all this time and always being told she could not help me get any better every time I did see her. Well I went to see she and said I had to have more help as I was supposed to work but how can I work if I was always in pain and feeling so low.

Within a month I went to see a doctor in Bath who done loads of blood tests and other test to make sure it was fibro and not some other illness. She said it was fibro and also CFS. She got my GP to put me on more Amitriptyline and also Duluxotine. My life then started to change. Within a month I was going out more. 3 months I was outside doing odd jobs in the garden and some DIY. 6 months I got a job working in a residential home 3 months later I now work in the same home working 3 nights a week caring for the elderly.

I still have to take 2 lots of painkillers and Amitriptyline and Duluxotine so rattle with tablets. I also have to take care in what I do and not over do things or I will suffer. I still get bad days but I can get past these. I still can not do some things like run or go for long walks, No sports etc BUT Duluxotine has changed my life and it is so much better now. I can cope with having fibro and CFS. It will never be 100% great but I have got a meaning to my life now.

Duluxotine does help loads but I think you also need to believe in yourself as well. The feeling of being able to work and do things now that I thought I would never do again makes me happy and something to be alive for. Which also helps with having fibro and CFS and making the most of life.

Graham xx

Homer profile image
Homer in reply to Fibrograham

Hi graham , thank you what an inspiring story, I believe in being positive too ,I work 25 hrs a week in a childrens home and it's a job I'd like too keep, I've started the tablets, as long term i want to feel the best I can be, and you have to push yourself as well, well done you for getting as far as you have

Kind regards and hugs Nicki x

Fibrograham profile image
Fibrograham in reply to Homer

Hi Nicki. Thank-you. I believe you have to push yourself in all walks of life but you must not over push yourself even more so with fibro. If an everyday person over does things then they only suffer for a day or so (unless they keep over doing things) but with fibro the aches and the pain can last for days just for over doing things for one day.

With fibro its easy as long as remember to work + loads of rest = play time. :-)

Big hugs xx

Homer profile image
Homer in reply to Fibrograham

Hi graham, I try and have play time too, I try to enjoy life as much as poss, and rest too, I watch movies that's how I chill, good to hear from you

Take care nicki xxxx

dizzyduck profile image

Dear Homer

Duloxetine hydrochloride/Cymbalta.........Did you have an issue with your Gp getting prescribed this? I am so fed up with all the medication I have tried and not worked.......I have heard so many great things about this........I would like to suggest to my Rhuematologist,gp and pain clinic doctor. Gentle hugs X Dizzyduck

Homer profile image
Homer in reply to dizzyduck

Hi dizzy, fortunately I have a brill doctor who was very insistent about using these meds, apparently theyve been proved to work for other conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis and appear to be very beneficial for fibroymialga , just started them, defiantly speak to your doctors about this, they're quite strong meds my doctor said , I thought more people would of been on them, keep me posted il be keen to know how you get on being prescribed this

Take care, Nicki x

dizzyduck profile image

xxxx Nicki

lynnh profile image

I've been on Duloxetine about a year, I asked my GP to change my meds as I had put on 4st since being put on Fluoxetine/prozac by a locum GP. I had done some research on the net to find meds which did not have this side effect and suggested 2 to my Dr, Duloxetine and Venaflaxine. He agreed to change to Duloxetine as he was aware of the link to fibro treatment. I cannot say they have helped with the pain or sleep issues but have definitely helped with the emotional side of things plus I have not gained any more weight xx

Homer profile image
Homer in reply to lynnh

Hi Lynne I've only been on them 3 days but feel fine, I think we have to be completely knocked out to get rid of pain personally, but emotionally if it helps that then that's got to be a benefit,

Regards Nicki x

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