I am with the HSBC as is my daughter i got home and they hadleft an urgent message for her tocall them the fraud dept so she did it turns out alot of card numbers hacve been founfd to be cloned and one of them they think is hers so they wanted to shut down her card and re send her a new one in 7 days as they could have accessed her account she was not really happy asnow she cant get money fronm her account but she does work in town so she can pop in to the branch just a pain if you wan to go out thoufgh as she is going to snetterton for the weekend sio she will have to take cash with her
or she can transfer some money from her account to mine then go get it from hole in the wall so thats not so bad all will be sorted but like i said good job they called as she is due to be paid today and if they had got their hands on that she would have been unhappy but there you go i think it is good that they do that saves alot of heartache and stress
it is a bit inconvenient but there you go these things happen dont they
love tio you diddle xxxxx