I am asking this question because as far as I am aware or remember (brain fog 😶🌫️I haven’t seen any posts related to constipation connected with fibromyalgia. I had my last appointment with my physio today and we were talking about different things and somehow it got around to this issue. She had personal experience with a family member and mentioned that she had heard many times that constipation was related to fibromyalgia. I had never heard of this but as I have, I was going to use the word suffered with this for too many years that I care to remember. I was obviously very intrigued about what she had said. It has been just 1 of the many many conditions that I have, as all of us here share that I just want to know if it is a real problem connected with fibromyalgia that as with so many‘personal health issues’ that aren’t discussed in general and maybe it should be. I’ve been a bit brave here asking this question, I say a bit because obviously we don’t see each other face to face but it’s still a very personal question. I hope I hear from some of you and am very grateful for any replies. Thank you in advance.
I need to know how many people with F... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I need to know how many people with Fibromyalgia suffer with constipation?

I'm glad you asked! The truth is, yes, constipation can be linked to fibromyalgia, though it’s not something people talk about much. Fibromyalgia affects the nervous system, and that can slow down many functions in the body, including the bowels.For instance, many people with fibromyalgia also have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can cause constipation, diarrhoea, or both. Plus, the medications we take for pain, like painkillers or muscle relaxants, can sometimes make constipation worse. And let’s not forget the stress of living with fibromyalgia, which can also impact digestion.
What can you do about it? Here are some simple ideas:
Eat more fibre: Fruits, vegetables, whole grains – they all help a lot.
Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is key.
Get moving a bit: Even walking or doing some stretches can help things “move along” better.
Try probiotics: They can sometimes improve digestion, but check with your doctor first.
Review your medications: If you think something you’re taking is making it worse, speak to your doctor.
This isn’t a topic that gets much attention, but you’re not alone in dealing with it. It’s just one of those things that come with fibromyalgia, and it’s worth finding ways to manage it so you can feel better. I hope this helps! 👍


Hi, sorry it’s taken me a few days to reply to you. I’m very grateful for your support and information. I always thought IBS was only to do with the symptoms opposite of constipation firstly, my gp’s over the years have known about my history with this but I’ve never been diagnosed with IBS🤔mind you I’ve suffered and I mean truly suffered with excessive sweating for approximately 20 years and nobody has ever been interested in helping me with that either, I have despaired over the years on a daily basis. The points you made, I do almost all of them but am aware that meditation can cause difficulty with the bowel. Re the review of my meditation, thankfully I have my first pain clinic appointment actually first thing tomorrow morning and my physio on Friday said that they will go through all my medication, which I am so happy about 🙏my annual reviews at my gp never really get anything sorted to make things better. I do have great mobility issues so cannot exercise as much as I would like but try to do gentle stretches and sit down exercises when possible. Thank you again so much for your help and advice once again, it really does make a huge difference to me that others like your self care enough to respond. I am working my way, slowly ☺️through all of the msgs people who are kind enough to have responded to my original post. It may take me a couple of weeks but thanks to everyone. Have a good week as possible all you lovely people xx 😘🤗
hi, yes this is true, I suffer IBS-D so I am the opposite, I have had this for years, medication can also affect you being constipated, and D, we use to have a lot of conversations about this on Hu, but some people can get embarrassed, you are not alone.
Good questionYes you are right. Fibro is a complex collection of symptoms. Restricted mobility affects how the bowel works and there are often other conditions that co-exist.
Increased fibre and probiotics might help.
I have autoimmune problems along with fibro and have food sensitivity. There are also different types of fibre.
Keeping a food diary and noting what helps can be tedious but may give answers.
Talk to your medical team if you want to add additional fibre like inulin. Don't overuse or rely on laxative over counter meds.
Some foods may also have laxative properties like apricots.
Stress greatly affects the gut so worth looking into that.
Gut health is a whole body thing.
Thank you for asking the question
Take care
They tend to say there is a link to IBS which itself has symptoms of constipation / diarrhoea / stomach pains etc. All which I get with fibro.
I've tried micro biotic and similar and found in more likely to have stomach pains, and diarrhoea with it unfortunately. I have some food intolerances it th it's linked with childhood milk intolerance etc. But I agree the research show guy health has a whole body impact.
Great question! Yep it's silly it's a conversation we feel awkward to talk about as we all have to 💩 hey! I also suffer from constipation despite being a vegetarian who isn't on any medication and can only drink water due to my bladder issues so it's always been a mystery that it causes me so much gip! The mad thing is being constipated affects me physically and mentally and it's such a relief when I finally manage to go. I actually feel jealousy when my hubby goes to the loo like clockwork every blooming morning! 😤. As always, it's a little reassuring to hear it's probably not my fault and due to my fibromyalgia. Here's to the next bowel movement my fibro friends!! 👍😊
Hi Loobielu, I hope you don’t mind if I reply to you in the next couple of days, shattered from work today and have managed to reply to a couple of messages just now and all I want is to have a nice warm bath and an early night 😴🥱xx
Yes, definitely! I was diagnosed with IBS-C decades ago. Over the years it has got worse and worse. I eat mountains of fruit & veg, prunes, apricots, soaked chia seeds, flaxseed, nuts, pulses etc.... so it can't be a lack of fibre in my diet. I also drink plenty of fluids, my work is physically active and I do yoga/pilates most mornings. My doctor has run out of ideas.....I have been advised to take several sachets of Laxido, 2-4 docusate plus 2 senna tablets every day. I hate taking all this. If this fails my doctor has prescribed a "last resort" pill they give for severe chronic constipation which I'm not prepared to take! My question to my doctor is "what happens in the future when my body gets used to all these pills????" He has now referred me to the Bladder & Bowel Team to "see if they have any suggestions....". I'm also waiting (4 months so far) for a referral to the local NHS Dieticians to probably try me on the FODMAPS diet to see if its something I'm eating that's triggering it (I've drawn a blank on my own so far).
My IBS can be dreadful- bloating and a lot of tummy pain and swollen, hard lower abdomen. I also get pain in my chest just below the ribcage accompanied by nausea and sometimes being sick. I wish I could find the answer. My Mum was the same - Fibro and IBS-C. I've had my gall bladder removed plus 2 ERCP procedures to remove gall stones. I had an Endoscopy earlier this year as my Doctor thought I might have an ulcer. How I long to have a digestive system that works!!!
yep - but really hard to tell if linked to Fibro or the very many different drugs. Recently had a colonoscopy which revealed that I now have diverticulitis probably caused but it.
I get constipated regularly, usually a day or so after a day where I am unable to drink fluids as much as I can at home. I find I need a good amount of fluids as well as a lot of veggies to keep me going regularly. Fibre is my friend here. I'm old, (76), and slowing down with age, and my gut is slowing as well.
I have recently transferred to a Mediterranean style diet, next to no bread, cakes or sweets., no alcohol, and more fibrous veggies. It's working so far!
I had an episode last Thursday, but it was due to a very long stint at hospital for eye problems, resulting in me not being able to drink as much as usual. Back to 'normal' now.
Cheers, Midori
Hi there, while I wouldn't disagree there may be a link to fibromyalgia. I also believe there are other related reasons for constipation.
Saying that my thoughts are we with fibro may suffer more than most with constipation due other reasons for example. Not drinking enough fluids, Not exercising enough, Stress, and Medications.
Many of us with fibro can not exercise or walk very far. Many may spend most of the day sitting down or in bed all day. Many are on a cocktail of drugs for pain, anxiety etc . All of which must have a major impact on both the gut and the bowel IMO.
This is just a personal opion and how it's effected me after 40yrs of dealing with fibro and stress.
Have a good day everyone. Wrap up and stay warm xx
Yep, You're right on that. Exercise is also required for 'moving things along', along with Fibre and plenty of water.
Cheers, Midori
Hi Midori, I hope you have not had too much rain damage where you are . Wales is really suffering with the storm. Stay safe xx
Hi yes I get constipated, was diagnosed with IBS years before I had Fibro. I have found though, that it's the Co-codamol that makes me constipated. It contains codeine and that definitely has a side effect of constipation. I have either shredded wheat or porridge with fresh fruits, like strawberries and blueberries in the summer, and prunes, raisins and cranberries all year round for breakfast, and that helps, but sometimes need something extra and then I take Laxido which I get on prescription. Constipation can be very debilitating, I get headaches when I haven't been for a while.
Yes & no... I'd say digestive issues certainly, but for me it swings from one way to another. Taking codeine based painkillers certainly bungs me up but sometimes I will use them to assist me keeping "regular" even if not in severe enough pain
Hi Cotswolds, doctors have told me that Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be one of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. This can be either constipation dominant or diarrhoea dominant. I saw a neurologist a few years ago and he said that ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, the three of them together, form what is known as The Trauma Trifecta. Ie., they are related to trauma.
I have terrible constipation. I have a diagnosis of Complex Ptsd, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis and Delayed Digestive Transit.
I hope this is helpful. You could also ask your GP the next time you see him or her. Although not many of them are knowledgeable about Fibromyalgia or trauma.
Take care and God bless, Elaine xx 🤗
I was the opposite until I was put on Zapain which is a mixture of paracetamol and codeine and codeine tends to make many people constipated. I have been prescribed Laxido sachets by the doctor to counteract this. I do try not to take it every day. I eat masses of fruit, green vegetables, and a handful of nuts and drink plenty of water and it has been much better. I try to walk our rescue dog daily, only a short walk (she does all the running) but say I was having a flare and can't I find I am much more likely to be constipated.
Some people naturally go less than others, I have two friends who rarely go more than 3 times a week but are very healthy.
Thank you for being so brave and open! I was recently diagnosed with IBS-C and the doctor said it's likely due to having fibromyalgia. The symptoms I had from IBS were absolutely awful, it was thought for years that I had endometriosis but then I had surgery for it and none was found. I've very recently been prescribed Mebeverine and it's been an absolute game changer!! I've experienced no side effects which was a big issue with other meds, and it's improved belly pain and lower back pain. I still get pain there, but it feels bearable. I've also been a lot more regular since taking it and it made me realise how much constipation was affecting me.
I too suffer with the dreadful fibromyalgia and I'm practically a prisoner in the winter months when its cold. But more to the point i too suffer with constipation but I have never been told its linked to my fibromyalgia so it's a question ill be putting to my doctor on my next visit and I'll definitely get back to you and let you know what he says about it. So inbthe mean time stay warm and don't go out in the cold until then happy pooping
l glutamine for I B S, magnesium malate in the morning and magnesium Taurate in the evening probiotics every day , changed mine from constipation to regular bowel movements
Oh wow 😳 thank you Chrisbel, for taking the time to share and give me that info. I’ve just got back from my first appointment at the pain clinic and she was extremely supportive so 🙏 I’m shattered now ☺️xx
The magnesium will help with the muscular relaxation too
I slept until 6pm 😳and am just off to bed now but wanted to say thank you. When I left my appointment today, I was given a questionnaire but then realised when I left the consultant I didn’t remember to ask what happens now🤷♀️so I asked the receptionist and she said I will be contacted but do you know if they consultant contacts my gp to put the turmeric and pepper plus magnesium on to my daily prescriptions? I won’t expect an answer from you tonight either way and il try to check in the morning before I go to work 😔I dread every work morning, I used to love my job 😔good night xx
I very much doubt those supplements will be on the NHS! you will need to buy them try Holland & Barratt or try online rather than wait...
Hi Alibaba66, yes I thought that they might not be and I’ll have to buy them. I hope they aren’t too expensive but they will be worth it if they help 🤞🙏thank you very much for this information and I hope you have a good day
You should be able to get them in your supermarket in smallish pots. Keep them in a cupboard rather than on a shelf as they can go rancid kept in daylight. Use them quickly and then buy another, Much cheaper than getting them from a health food shop or pharmacy.
Cheers, Midori
Hi it's most often due to the meds you take .. I take docusate sodium [ softener] and drink plenty of fluids!! Lactulose works similarly.. avoid stimulant laxatives as can be painful with FMR!