Hello my lovely Fibromite Family. Gentle hugs to one and all.
I've been really going through it lately. Mr Fibro - as always - never lets up on me and I spend most of my days - morning, afternoons and evenings zzzzing. Mostly to escape the pain - and to escape my life as it is.
I've been a strong woman all my adult life - I've had to be - I've always helped others but I've never asked for - nor accepted offers of - help from anyone at all. But desperate times call for desperate measures as they say - and finally - as I said on another Fibromites blog - it came up in a roundabout way - that I was going to get in touch with, and ask, the Social Services for help in getting back to where I used to live to be nearer my daughter so that she will be able to help me should I need her too - I explained the reasons why I need to move back home, after moving here a tad over 3 years ago and that it was a waste of time - as I mentioned to everyone here before - I'm just so unhappy and stressed out day in day out being here by myself -I just want to go back home. Well, I rang the SS, and as they answered I broke down and told them my predicament - and about my health issues and why the need to get away from here. The lady was really nice - but apart from giving me the number for Housing Advice Office and then she told me to get my GP to write a letter - She then told me that she was unable to help me unless I was unable to wash and dress myself - which I still am able to do - Just!
I know what will happen if I ring the Housing Advice people - I'll be fobbed off and passed from one section of the council to another - just as has been done to me before. As for getting my GP to write a letter? That's a laugh! There are many, many GP's in the surgery and not one of them gives a hoot am just part of their pay-cheque each month - just as we all are with our individual GP's.
As I type I feel more lost and alone and so depressed - and the tears just will not stop. Am not one for self pity usually, but I no longer care about myself "keeping up appearances" any more - I hurt and ache all over 24/7 and even though I sleep plenty - I wake up as unrefreshed and more tired than I did when I went to bed! And I can be awake just a half hour, before I crash and burn - and I can no longer keep my eyes open - and half hour/hour later I awake just to go through my day nodding off and sleeping half hour/hourly and being awake just an hour before it all starts over again. That's NOT living a life - it's EXISTING one! And even if I could - I cannot live my life as I could or as I should. As I'm typing the tears slowly dry and my eyes are drifting shut - In a few minutes I'll fall asleep with a "thunk" on my key board. I nod off anywhere any time - I've been like this a good year or so now - and the GP blames my meds, yet apart from having Pregabalin and Ropinirole added this past 2 months, my meds have been the same for years - I can only think the Vertigo I keep getting is part of the problem also - Oh, Lawdy! Even washing the dishes at the kitchen sink! I once fell asleep stood showering in the bathroom.
Well, those zzzz's are really gripping me hard so I'll leave it there at the moment - and give in to them. Thanks for listening to my moans. Am so glad you are all here - take care my lovelies,
Carol xx