Hi Im currently on DLA would i lose this if i got married in the future,i have carers twice a day to help me dress and undress, and use a mobility scooter to go shopping with my partner who doesnt live with me cos hes work is too far away...
DLA: Hi Im currently on DLA would i... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi, no you wouldnt lose your DLA. Its not means tested hun. xxx
Also if your on DLA and on the highest rate for personal care and mobility you are entitled to Direct Payments from the government with more help for carers and light household duties. Contact your local social services or your social worker x
Hi is this for everyone on highest care and mobility I dt have a social woorkerr
Hi i had lowest care componant for over a yr and now been awarded high mobility, i have a social worker and after being messed around with a caring company i then changed over to direct payments with essex pass holding the money i just send in 4 wkly time sheets for my own carers to be paid,this has worked for me, as i can hire and fire anyone i choose to be my carer. my social worker also arranged for me to have an over bath shower which is great i didnt have to pay for this..iv had no problems with social services they are there to help us...xx
im on middle care and i get direct payments to, its not related to dla its assesed on your needs x
No U wont lose ur DLA if u get married hun. I was on DLA and I met someone new. He moved in and we got married, he gave up his job and became my carer but he didnt have to. U wont lose it. xxxxxx