I always want to laugh when i write collapsed in a heap as if i had collapsed in a heap i would be in a worse state than i was before i was in the heap if you get what imean as if i was in a heap i would be all culed up and crunched up and would be worse for me lol would be in so much pain so it is a funny statement for us fibros to put when you weigh it up !????
How sad at 4 am i am disecting thiong like that when most normal people are in bed asleep arghhhh
oh well gives you all something to thinkabout and maybe come up with some other sayings that are odd to say ???????????????
i often say when i see a little child between 1 and 3 look at that little dot doing that ! "DOT" thats a funny way to talk about little toddler and my partner now uses it oo lol he wen to golf yestrerday an he came back saying there were some little kids all learning golf today he said i am talking about real little DOT'S lol i just thought when he said it thats a funny term
so see if you can come up with any that you use that is your mission for the day lol
locve to you all Diddle xxxx