Does wine cause pain or any particula... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does wine cause pain or any particular sort of alcohol? Happy Friday!

no it does not make make any dif to me (i love my wine ) x
No difference to me either as I love my Vodka! Saying that any alcohol is supposed to be bad for fibro. Makes me feel better though! Enjoy your wine x
I LOVE MY VODKA!! I love wine too much am giving it up, only cause I'm trying to loose weight and wine is full of sugar xx
Hi sweetie, seems an apt question for a friday night . i really enjoy a drink too but the morning after my pain and stiffness is so much worse, so now im thinking it has to be a vey good night to warrent the pain the next day mmmm just another thing to give up because of fm mmmmm dont think so lol
Hi some people may react to alchohol depending on medication taken,
I love to be able to have a glass of wine!!
Sue x x x
I love a drink but all my medication says avoid alcohol, I don't though!
For me it was the day after, the pain was just magnified. If I went out on a Friday, I would lose the whole weekend with a flare.
Due to medication and this in turn affecting my liver, I have not had a drink since Jan 12. I loved a drink, but I have now taken the decision to give up for good, I just feel so much better, am a cheap date lol and can really enjoy my self without waking up feeling like death.
I have been on a recent holiday and did not have one drink, even is those cocktails were winking at me.LOL. Just made the most of feeling bright and breezy each day.
I also is a little satisfying gloating, when the hubby was walking around like death it selfs lol.
We are all different, I think its such a personal thing. Its really up to the individual and how it makes them feel.
Those who are enjoying friday night have a large vodka for me lol.
Lou x
I react badly to alcohol which isn't much fun for a 20 year old student. I wish I could get drunk with all my friends but one glass and I'm asleep and very Hungover the next day... I'm a boring friend lol. Thankfully my close friends understand. I seem to intolerant to things i would like have e.g alcohol but overly tolerant to other things e.g painkillers and caffeine...
The best pain killer for me is 2 large glasses of red.
Luckily I have always rememberd my Mum saying never to drink alone,as that way lays trouble.
So yes a couple of friends a couple of glasses and a good laugh,and I`m happy as larry(whoever he was).
Love and hugs Butterfly54xxxxx
Hi All I used to enjoy a drink on a Friday indoors with my family, however since being on the gaba I was afraid to have a drink, I'm new to it, only been on it for 2 weeks, Last night I had two glasses of a very low alcholhol content larger, I begun to sweat really bad, my ears where on fire and I could not sleep 'till 4.30am this morning 30/6/12, now in lazying in bed. Going on holiday next Saturday and would really love to be able to just seriously relax and have a drink if I fancy one, not sure what to do, I have to stop taking the Diclofics, as they make my skin blister in the sun. However, I do find that in the warmer climate I need my pain killers less. A UB40 song comes to mind, 'Red Red wine go to my head makes me forget' Happy Fridays everyone XXX
Any time I drink alcohol, my pain gets worse. I think some people with fibro and CFD have a alcohol intolerance. I was reading about this the other day. This is one thing I found out.
Drinking alcohol increases the levels of lactic acid in your muscles.
Lactic acid is the stuff that develops from doing workouts. When your muscles are really sore the day after a workout (or playing football etc.), that is lactic acid.
Some researchers believe that people with fibromyalgia and CFS make to much lactic acid. And some say we don't Prosess lactic acid very well.
CFS not CFD typo sorry
The demon drink is a nono to me I lose a week if I have a drink,
i loved my whiskey and irn bru but for the last few months if i had a drink i would be aching from head to foot the next day, with flu type symptoms , so i dont drink anymore, its not worth the pain it causes me , coffee was doing the same too so now all i drink is water , i hate this fm for destroying my social life !!
I too used to lovel my nights out with friends, Vodka is my drink, i still push myself to go out, and still enjoy a drink (In fact when Ive had a good few vodkas I can even get on the dance floor ) BUT the day after I literally cant walk, I am in so much pain and the "hangover" lasts for at least 3 days!! I am getting to the point where im asking myself "is it worth it"
me too iam sitting here in lots of pain cause i have had a drink last night
i think i will only drink from now on at special occasions ,but somtimes haveing 5 kids warrents a special occasion i think lol
Alcohol is definitely a NO NO for me!! It's not worth feeling ill afterwards. Maybe have a single glass of wine at Xmas.