Went for a massage today as I felt so stuck. Because of the pressure I feel bruised all over and can't even lie down the pain is unbearable. My skin is on fire
Ahhhhh: Went for a massage today as I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

sory your in pain, i hope it will ease soon

I hope you feel better soon. I now go to an osteopath and he give me gentle massage,and it really helps, I suggest you go for an osteopath, rather than, a beauty therpist, as the osteopath has a better understanding of Fibro.
I posted the other day after I used a massage chair, so I feel your pain. feeling much better today, hope you feel better soon. X
Thank u lovelies. I have an appointment for this osteopath who is meant to really help with fibro next week so fingers crossed
Sorry to hear your in pain. I've had a number of massages, some
Have been terrible and others have been wonderful. The most recent massage I had I discussed with the therapist my symptoms and
She was fantastic.she also used certain techniques and
Did not apply too much pressure, she also checked to see
If I was okay and asked if the pressure
Applied was okay.
I would love to hear people's experiences with alternative therapists. X